Ffrangeg a Iwcailis

Ro’n i’n ar fin mynd i’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg heno pan ges i neges testun o’r hogyn sy’n rhedeg y grŵp iwcalili yn gofyn i mi i helpu efo gwers iwcalili yn y prifysgol. Felly es i yno ac mi wnes i helpu tipyn bach. Roedd y gwers yn Siamber Cyngor y prifysgol – ystafell grand iawn. Ar ôl hynny mi aethon ni i’r tafarn Groegeg lle mi wnaethon ni parhau i ganu a sgwrsio. Dydy’r grŵp mewn trefn da ar hyn o bryd, ond mi wnaethon ni mwynhau beth bynnag.

I was about to go to the French conversation group tonight when I got a text from the lad who runs the ukulele group asking for help with a ukulele lesson in the university. So I went there and helped a bit. The lesson was in the university’s Council Chamber – a rather fine room. After that we went to the Greek and continued to play, sing and chat. The group isn’t very well organized at the moment, but we enjoyed it anyway.


Roedd sesiwn da yn fy nhŷ y prynhawn ‘ma efo tri ohonon ni yn canu’r cymysgedd arferol o gerddoriaeth o Ynys Manaw, o’r Alban ac o Iwerddon. Ar ôl canu yn y côr cymuned yn yr hwyr, mi es i adref, ac ro’n i’n meddwl am fynd i sesiwn cerddoriaeth yn y Skerries, tafarn fach rownd y gornel o fan hyn, ond mi wnaeth hi’n dechrau bwrw glaw trwm a mi wnes i penderfynu aros gatref.

There was a good session in my house this afternoon with three of us playing the usual mixture of tunes from the Isle of Man, Scotland and Ireland. After singing in the community choir in the evening, I went home and was thinking about going to a music session in the Skerries, a small pub round the corner from here, but it started to rain heavily and I decided to stay at home.


Mi wnaethon ni siarad yn ac am Rwseg, ac yn y Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, yn y grŵp sgwrsio amlieithog neithiwr. Ac ar ôl hynny mi es i i Global Café, a mi wnes i cwrdd â phobl o’r Eidal, o Wlad Belg ac o’r Ffindir, ac mi wnaethon ni siarad yn Saesneg yn bennaf, efo tipyn bach o Eidaleg a Ffrangeg.

We talked in and about Russian, and in Welsh and English, in the polyglot conversation group yesterday evening. After that I went to Global Café and met people from Italy, Belgium and Finland, and we talked mainly in English, with a little Italian and French.

Dydd diog

Mi wnes tipyn bach o waith y bore ‘ma, ac ar ôl cinio mi wnes i dysgu mwy o Lydaweg, mi wnes ymarfer fy medrau sircas, ac mi wnes i canu’r gitâr, y piano a rhyw offer eraill. Mi wnes i dechrau sgwennu cân newydd hefyd – cân y fydd yn cymysgu diarhebion, ymadroddion a llafarddulliau efo’n gilydd mewn moddion diddorol a doniol. Does dim tôn eto, ond mae gen i rhyw llinellau o eiriau. Enw y gân ydy ‘How many roads?’ a dyma’r llinell gyntaf: ‘How many roads must a chicken cross, before it grows any teeth?’.

I did some work this morning, and after lunch I learnt a bit more Breton, practised my circus skills, and played the guitar, piano and a few other instruments. I also started to write a new song, which will mix proverbs, sayings, idioms in interesting and amusing ways. I don’t have a tune yet, but I have a few lines of words. The name of the song is ‘How many roads?’ and here’s the first line: ‘How many roads must a chicken cross, before it grows any teeth?’.

Anturiau yn y gegin

Mi wnes i ceisio rhywbeth gwahanol am ginio heddiw – cyw iâ efo pesto newydd, pasta ŵy newydd a salad. Mi wnes i’r pesto efo brenhinllys, cnau pinwydden a chaws parmesan, ac roedd berw’r dŵr a thomatos yn y salad. Roedd yn eithaf blasus ac yn wahanol i’r pethau dw i’n arfer gwneud, ond mi wnes i cognino’r cyw iâ tipyn bach rhy hir. Ar ôl hynny mi wnes i mud-ferwi afalau o’r coeden afalau yn fy ngardd i fwyta efo fy ngrawnfwyd yn y bore.

I tried something different for lunch today – chicken with fresh pesto, fresh egg pasta and salad. I made the pesto from basil, pine nuts and parmesan cheese, and there was watercress and tomatoes in the salad. It was quite tasty and a change from the things I usually cook, though I cooked the chicken a bit too long. After that I stewed some apples from the apple tree in my garden to have with my cereal in the morning.


Roedd hi’n braf a chynnes heddiw, ac yn y prynhawn mi wnes i gweld perfformiad teithiol o’r enw ‘Bodies in Urban Spaces’ gan Willi Dorner, artist o Awstria. Roedd 20 o berfformwyr mewn dillad lliwgar yn gwasgu eu hunain mewn lleoedd annhebygol o gwmpas Bangor, er enghraifft rhwng waliau, tu ôl polion lampau, dan feinciau, ac ar doeon. Roedd llawer iawn o bobl yn dilyn y perfformiad ac mi wnes i digwydd cyfarfod cryn dipyn o ffrindiau yn eu plyth.

Roedd dim ond dau ohonon ni yn y grŵp sgwrsio heddiw a mi wnaethon ni siarad yn y Gymraeg a Saesneg yn bennaf, ac yn y Wyddeleg ac yn Rwsieg hefyd. Ar ôl hynny mi es i i dwmpath yn y prifysgol – twmpath cyntaf y tymor hwn – ac mi wnes i ei fwynhau yn fawr. Dw i’n wrth fy modd efo dawnsio, ac mae’n gyfle da i gyfarfod efo pobl eraill.

It was fine and sunny today, and this afternoon I saw a travelling performance called ‘Bodies in Urban Spaces’. There were 20 performers in colourful outfits who squeezed themselves into improbable places around Bangor, for example between walls, behind lamp-posts, under benches and on roofs. Many many people followed the performance and I bumped into quite a few friends among them.

There were only two of us in the conversation group this afternoon and we talked mainly in Welsh and English, and also in Irish and Russian. After that I went to a cèilidh in the university – the first cèilidh of this term – and I really enjoyed it. I love dancing and it’s a good opportunity to meet other people.

Dydd llawn cerddoriaeth

Y bore ‘ma mi wnes i canu recorders efo cyfeillion yn nhŷ haf un o aelodau y grŵp. Ar ôl cinio mi wnes canu yn y Côr MS, grŵp o bobl sy’n codi arian ar gyfer Cymdeithas y Parlys Ymledol Gogledd Cymru. Mae rhai o aelodau y côr ‘ma yn canu yn y Côr Cymuned Bangor hefyd, ac mi wnaethon nhw annog fi i ymuno â’r Côr MS yr wythnos ‘ma. Dw i’n wrth fy modd cael unrhyw gyfle i ganu, felly mi wnes i mwynhau canu efo nhw yn fawr. Gyda’r nos mi es i i gyngerdd yn y prifysgol efo Alejandro Toledo and the Magic Tombolinos, band â’i lleoliad yn Llundain efo aelodau o’r Ariannin, o Israel, o Groatia ac o Loegr sy’n canu cymysgedd o gerddoriaeth sipsi o Ddwyrain Ewrop, cerddoriaeth clasurol a cherddoriaeth roc a phop, ac sy’n canu am filiwn milltir yr awr. Cyngerdd gwych ydoedd.

This morning I played recorders with friends in the summer house of one of the members of the group. After lunch I sang in the MS Choir, a group of people who raise money for the North Wales Multiple Sclerosis Society. Some of the member of this choir also sing in the Bangor Community Choir, and they persuaded me to join the MS Choir this week. I am delighted to have any opportunity to sing, so I really enjoyed singing with them. In the evening I went to a concert at the university featuring Alejandro Toledo and the Magic Tombolinos, a London-based band with members from Argentina, Israel, Croatia and England who play a mixture of music from Eastern European Roma people, as well as classical, rock and pop music, and they play at a million miles an hour. It was a great concert.

Clwb Iwcalili

Heno mi es i i’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg yn gytanf, ond doedd neb arall yno, felly mi wnes i sgwenu e-bost hir. Pan ro’n i’n ar fin gadael am 8 o’r gloch mi ddaeth ddau arall, ond mi wnes i ddim aros gan ro’n i’n ar y ffordd i’r clwb iwcalili yn y tafarn Groegeg. Heno oedd cyfarfod cyntaf y clwb ers misoedd, ac roedd llawer iawn o bobl yna – mwy nag erioed o’r blaen. Doedd dim digon o iwcalilis am bawb, ond mi wnaethon ni ymdopi yn eithaf da. Yn anffodus roedd y tafarn yn swnllyd ac yn llawn dop ac roedd troellwr yna, felly dan ni’n chwilio am le arall tawelach.

Tonight I went to the French conversation group first, but nobody else was there, so I wrote a long email. When I was about to leave at 8 o’clock two others came, but I didn’t stay as I was on the way to the ukulele club in the Greek. It was the first meeting of the club for months, and many people were there – more than ever before. There weren’t enough ukuleles for everyone, but we managed fairly well. Unfortunately the pub was noisy and crowded and there was a DJ, so we are looking for a quieter place.


Fel arfer, mi wnes i tipyn bach o waith y bore ‘ma – mi wnes i ateb e-byst a rhoi recordiadau newydd ar y tudalen ymadroddion Sinhaleg – ac roedd sesiwn cerddoriaeth yma yn y prynhawn. Roedd tri ohonon ni yma y prynhawn ‘ma yn chwarae amrywiad o offerynau a cherddoriaeth. Gyda’r hwyr mi es i i’r côr cymunedol Bangor ac mi wnaethon ni’n canu caneuon yn Saesneg, Cymraeg a Xhosa, ac roedd llawer o bobl yna, yn cynnwys rhyw pobl newydd.

As usual, I did a bit of work this morning – I answered emails and put new recordings in the Sinhala phrases page – and there was a music session here in the afternoon. There were three of us here this afternoon playing a variety of instruments and music. In the evening I went to the Bangor Community Choir and we sang songs in English, Welsh and Xhosa, and there were plenty of people there, including some new ones.

Polyglot chat

Last night there were three of us at the polyglot chat group, which I’ve renamed Bangor Language Learners and which now at different times in a different venue. When I set up the group earlier this year my idea was that it would give me and other polyglots a chance to get together to chat in a variety of languages. Some weeks there have been enough of us to have several different conversations in different languages, other weeks there have been only a few of us and we have talked mainly in English, or in other languages we all had in common, like Welsh or German.

During the summer quite a few of the regular attendees were away and the meetings petered out. Then with the start of a new academic year I thought I’d change the focus of the group and make it for anybody who is learning a language, rather than just people who already speak several languages. After discussion on Facebook we came up with better days and times and so far we’ve had two meetings, which have gone well. Last night, for example, there were three of us and we spoke mainly in Welsh and French, which are the languages we have in common, along with English. I’m hoping numbers will increase as more people hear about it.

After the language learners group last night, I went to Global Café, a group run by Bangor University Christian Union which aims to bring together international and local students, and others. I started going to it while I was a student, and have been going on and off since then, though haven’t been regularly for a few years as it clashed with the ukuele club. The ukuele club has now moved to another night and I can go to Global Café again. It’s a great way to meet people from many countries and to practise a variety of languages – as well as English I spoke Mandarin, French, German, Spanish and a bit of Italian, Cantonese and Hungarian last night. I really enjoy opportunities like this. Is there anything similar in your area?