Word of the day – 自動販売機

jidohanbaiki - Japanese vending machines

自動販売機 (jidōhanbaiki),
noun = vending machine

Breaking this word down into its compontent parts we get:
自動 (jidō) automatic (self move);
販売 (hanbai) selling;
機 (ki) machine.

This word can also be shortened to 自販機 (jihanki), which demostrates a typical method of abbreviating words in Japanese: you get rid of the second character in each pair.

Vending machines are ubiquitous in Japan – everywhere you look you’ll see one, or a whole bank of them, even on top of mountains! They sell an incredible variety of things, including hot and cold food, drinks (tea, coffee, beer, whiskey, etc), flowers, clothes, cigarettes, rice, eggs, jewellery, videos and comic books. According to Wikipedia, there’s one vending machine for every 23 people in Japan.

Related words
自動ドア (jidōdoa) = automatic door
自動車 (jidōsha) = car – in Chinese a car is 汽車 (qìchē) lit. “spirit cart”
自動操縦装置 (jidōsōjūsōchi) = autopilot