Language quiz

Here’s some text from a book I’m currently reading in which some of the dialogue is written in this way. Do you have any idea where people speak like this?

“Vares nuffing nú unnersun, mì sun. Doan ask wy ve öl daze wuz bé-er van vese, coz U aynt gó ve nous fer í. Lemme tellya, no geezer az a clú abaht iz own tyme, yeah? Ees juss lyke a sparrer, eggzackerly lyke a sparrer aw a bitta bá-erred cod.”

Another bit:

“E oo ayts lyf wil keep í, thass wot í sez in ve Búk, innit? Wel, Eye doan luv lyf ennymaw wivaht Am, so Eye spose Eye must ayt í. Awl Eye did woz 4 Am, awl Eye evah wannid woz 4 uss ló 2 B cumfy.”

Note: as far as I know, this form of speech is rarely written, and this spelling system seems to be one developed by the author. The second quote is in a future version of the form of speech used in the first one.