Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
l’avant-dernier the last but one yr olaf/diwethaf ond un
la tuile (roof) tile teilsen; teilen; priddlech teol
le carreau (wall/floor) tile teilsen (lorio/wal) karrezenn
carreler to tile (a floor) llorio â theils; teilsio
la dalle de moquette carpet tile teilsen garped
faire la fête/la java to have a night on the tiles cael noson ar y criws / ar y sbri ober bos/fest
l’âne (m); le cancre; l’imbécile; un(e) nullard(e) dunce dỳns; twpsyn; penbwl azen; penn-karn; yann ar yod; paotr ar yod; loull
le bonnet d’âne dunce’s cap cap twpsyn/dỳns/papur; capan penbwl
la loupe (grossissante) magnifying glass chwyddwydr loupenn
à la loupe in minute detail mewn manylion lleiaf
sous la loupe under the microscope dan y microsgop

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
vaciller; danser to flicker (light) fflachio; neidio trabellat; horellat
le vacillement flicker (flames) naid; dychlamiad horelladenn
la lueur flicker (light) llygedyn skleur
la coupure de courant power cut toriad trydan troc’h tredan
le véhicule haut high-sided vehicle cerbyd ochrau uchel karbed uhel (?)
se retourner to overturn troi drosodd treiñ
marécageux marshy corslyd, corsiog, siglennog geunieg; gwazheg
le marais; le marécage marsh cors gwern; gwazh
le marais salant; le salin salt marsh morfa heli palud-holen; holenek

Playing and sounding

The other day I discovered that to play in Italian is giocare or divertirsi, but if you’re playing a musical instruments the word you need is suonare, which also means to ring, sound, strike or toot. So I can say, Suono la chitarra, il piano(forte), il mandolino, il flauto dolce e il fischietto. (I play the guitar, piano, mandolin, recorder and tin whistle.)

You can also use this verb to talk about striking clocks: l’orologio ha suonato le cinque (the clock struck five) and ringing phones: sta suonando il telefono (the phone is ringing). Also to talk about metaphorical sounds: Potrà suonare avventato, da un lato troppo aggressivo e dall’altro troppo ottimistico. (That may sound presumptuous, too aggressive for some, too optimistic for others.)

Related expressions include:

– fare suonare = to misuse, to over-use, to abuse
– suonare a morto = to knell
– suonare come ritornello = to reprise
– suonare per strada = to busk

In English you use play for both playing instruments and playing games, you can also play around while playing an instrument – how would you say that in Italian, or in other languages?

Welsh has chwarae as the general word for play and canu (to sing) for playing instruments, especially harps, though chwarae is also used for instruments.

In Mandarin there is 玩 (wán) for general play, while the words for playing instruments depend on the type of instrument: 拉 (lā), to pull, is used for bowed instruments such as violins and cellos; 吹 (chuī), to blow, is used for wind instruments; 弹 [彈] (tán), to pluck, is used for string instruments like guitars; 打 (dǎ), to beat/strike, is used for percussion instruments, and 演奏 (yǎnzòu) is a general word for playing an instrument or performing.

Do other languages has separate words for playing instruments and playing games?

Sources: Collins Italian Dictionary, bab.la dictionary

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
se multiplier comme des lapins to breed like rabbits magu fel cwningod
un raccourci; un moyen rapide short cut llwybr llygad/tarw berradenn
prendre un raccourci to take a short cut mynd y ffordd gyntaf;
dilyn llwybr llygad/tarw
hent miliner
une borne bollard postyn; clymbost matezh
faire la une;
faire la première page
to be front-page news bod yn brif newyddion;
bod ar y dudalen flaen
bezañ a bajenn gentañ (?)
un demi-tour (lit);
un revirement,
une volte-face (fig)
U-turn tro pedol hanterdro; distroenn;
faire volte-face to do a U-turn (fig) gwneud tro pedol ober hanterdro (?)

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le gel; la gelée frost rhew; llwydrew; barrug rev
le givre hoarfrost barrug; glasrew; llwydrew kler
faire tourner to spin troi; troelli reiñ tro
jouer à pile ou face to spin a coin taflu ceiniog
inspecteur de police principal chief inspector Prif Arolygydd (yr Heddlu) pennenseller polis
le tollé outcry protest; banllefo brotest; gwrthgri hulch’o
un tollé général a public outcry protest cyhoeddus
la benne skip sgip benn
mécanique clockwork perfedd; clocwaith; peirianwaith mekanek
marcher comme sur des roulettes to go like clockwork mynd fel cloc; troi fel deiol
thé (de cinq heures);
thé de l’après-midi
afternoon tea te prynhawn/pnawn; prynhawnbryd te goude kreistez (?)

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
recommandé; prudent; conseillé advisable doeth; call; buddiol erbedet; avizet
périodique (math)
recurring dibaid; cylchol oc’h addonet; mareadeg
soins intensifs intensive care gofal arbenning;
gofal dwys
prederioù askoridik
cours intensif intensive course cwrs carlam staj d’an daoulamm
la paquet bundle (clothing) sypyn; swp; bwndel pakad
la liasse bundle (banknotes; newspapers sypyn; swp; bwndel strobad
un vrai boute-en-train a bundle of fun hwyl anfarwol ur kaser ar cholor
ce n’était pas une partie de plaisir it wasn’t a bundle of laughs doedd hi ddim yn hwyl anfarwol
coûter bonbon;
coûter une fortune
to cost a bundle/packet costio yn ddrud;
costio ffortiwn
bezañ un dirañson
la brique brick bricsen; priddfaen brik

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
veinard; chançard lucky devil/bugger cenau lwcus chañs
avoir de la veine;
avoir de la chance
to be lucky bod yn lwcus
chanceux lucky lwcus eürus
l’échapée belle lucky escape dianc lwcus
le jour de chance lucky day dydd lwcus
le coup de vein lucky break ergyd lwcus taol -chañs
la cuve tank; vat; bunker byncer; daeardy; cerwyn pip
la cellule (prison/animal/plant) cell cell kellig
l’aquarelle (f) watercolour dyfrlliw dourliv
boiteux lame cloff kamm
la note chit darn papur notenn
délicat; nauséeux; barbouillé queasy (stomach) sâl; swp sâl; (stumog) wan da sevel ar galon; klañv
mal à l’aise queasy (uneasy) anesmwyth; anniddig; aflonydd diaes
le cercle vicieux vicious circle cylch cythreulig; cylch anfad kelc’h bac’h
la cote (betting) odds ods; ots

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la cabine de plage beach hut cwt/caban glan môr logell aod (?)
le petit nom d’amitié; diminutif pet name enw anwes bihanaat
le terme d’affection term of endearment gair anwes
les paroles tendres endearments geiriau tyner
le sol; la terre soil pridd douar
le banc (d’église) (church) pew côr; sedd; sêt plas

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
nain dwarf corrach korr; korrigan
les préparatifs (mpl); le dispositions (fpl) arrangements trefniadau; paratoadau darbaroù; danvezidigezh
prendre des dispositions to make arrangements trefnu; paratoi aozañ; brientiñ
se mettre d’accord; parvenir à un arrangement to come to an arrangement dod i gytundeb/ddealltwriaeth (â rhywun) glevet e yezh all
prendre des dispositions nécessaires pour faire qch to make an arrangement to do sth trefnu i wneud rhywbeth
la composition florale flower arrangement trefniad blodau bokederezh
la betterave beetroot betysen (goch); bitrwden beterabez
rouge comme une tomate red as a beetroot cyn goched â gwaed

La Saint-Sylvestre

As today is New Year’s Eve I thought I’d look at what this day is called in various languages:

French:la (fête de) Saint-Sylvestre, which is celebrated with le Réveillon de Saint-Sylvestre, a feast which well involve champagne and foie gras, and a party, with kisses under the mistletoe at midnight. Saint Sylvestre was Pope between 314 to 335 AD and his feast day happens to be on 31st December. [source].

German: Silvester or Silvesterabend, which is celebrated with parties and fireworks, and/or by watching the 1920s British film Dinner for One [sources].

Spanish: la Noche Vieja, which is celebrated with parties and by eating 12 grapes for each of the 12 chimes of midnight [source].

Welsh: Nos Galan (“night of the calend”), which is celebrated with parties and fireworks, and there’s a tradition of giving gifts and money, or these days bread and cheese on New Year’s Day [source].

There are more details of New Year traditions on Wikipedia.

How do you celebrate new year?

Happy New Year, by the way.