Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
un salon (canapé et deux fauteuils) three-piece suite set dridarn; swît dridarn
sous les auspices de under the umbrella of dan nawdd/gysgod/adain
arnaque; escroquerie rip off twyll; hoced c’hwepat; c’hwipañ
arnaquer; arracher to rip off twyllo; rogio c’hwepat; diframmañ
la tartelette de Noël (aux fruits secs) mince pie tarten Nadolig; teisen/cacen friwdda; mins-pei tartezennig nedeleg (?)
muet mute mud mud
le chèque-cadeau; le bon-cadeau gift token/voucher tocyn anrheg chekenn prof
la coccinelle ladybird buwch goch gota buoc’han
il fait nuit/noir it’s dark mae’n dywyll ez eo teñval
commencer à faire nuit to get dark tywyllu krog da zuañ
l’oie (f) /wa/ goose gwydd gwaz

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
se marrer (bien) to have a good laugh cael hen hwyl / cael hwyl a hanner
se marrer comme un bossu to laugh out loud chwerthin lond bol/yn foliog/yn braf dic’hargadennoù
on s’est bien marrés we had a good laugh mi gawson ni hen hwyl
en avoir marre de to be tired of / fed up with wedi hen flino bout skuizh -faezh
j’en ai marre I’m fed up dw i wedi hen flino Me ‘zo skuizh
c’est marre ! that’s it! enough already! dyna ddigon! trawalc’h !
la malaria; le paludisme malaria malariam; y crydm malaria; kleñved ar paludoù
chalereux warm (greeting; applause; person) brwd; twym; twymgalon; cynnes taer; tomm; hegarat
charrier qn to have sb on; to be kidding twyllo ober an hegig g’ ub; monet (mont) er maez eus ar park
railler; taquiner to make fun of sb gwneud hwyl/sbort am ben rhywun; chwerthin am ben rhywun godisal; nodal; tatinat; ober an hegig; risignat
le bouc billygoat bwch gafr bo(u)c’h
le chien de soleil; l’œil de bouc sun dog hwyl ffug; ci hwyl (?)

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le tableau noir blackboard bwrdd du taolenn zu
le panneau d’affichage noticeboard hysbysfwrdd; arwyddfwrdd; bwrdd arwyddion planell afichañ
le marron (d’inde) conker / horse chestnut concyr; cneuen gobl(i)o; coblyn kistin
le marronier (d’inde) horse chestnut tree castanwydden y meirch; marchgastanwydden gwez kistin
la châtaigne (sweet) chestnut castan; cneuen gastan; pibgneuen kistin
la tombola raffle raffl; lotri c’hoari sac’h
le billet de tombola raffle ticket ticed/tocyn raffl/lotri bilhed c’hoari sac’h
S.O.S. Amitié The Samaritans Y Samariaid
être d’astreinte; être de garde; être en disponibilité; être de permanence to be on-call bod ar alw (?)
démodé old fashioned (things) hen ffasiwn; henaidd maez a c’hiz; giz kozh
vieux jeu old fashioned (people) hen ffasiwn; henaidd mod kozh
le faîte ridge trum; crib; cefn hedell

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
les chaussures (f) de marche walking boots esgidiau cerdded; esgidiau cryfion boteier kerzh
passer à côté de la question to miss the point camddeall; methu’r pwynt/ergyd
rater/louper to miss (train/bus/target) colli c’hwitañ
completement plat flat as a pancake mor wastad â thalcen iâr; mor llyfn â charreg y drws; llyfn fel bwrdd
éventée flat (beer) fflat; diflas; merfaidd; marw avelet
bémol flat (note) meddalnod bouc’h
dièse sharp (note) llonnod lemm
en moyen on average ar gyfartaledd

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
diriger to run (a business; department; country) rhedeg dirijañ; sturiadañ
tenir to run (a shop; hotel; house) rhedeg; cadw tiegiñ
la piste runway rhedfa riboul
le vestiaire changing room; cloakroom ystafell newid gwiskva
la cape cloak mantell; clogyn; clog kap
l’accordeur de piano(s) piano tuner dyn tiwnio pianos songeider piano
accorder to tune (an instrument) tiwnio; cyweirio; tonyddu toniañ

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la pastille pour la toux cough lozenge/sweet losin at y frest; losin peswch; da-da annwyd pastilh an paz (?)
le pastille pour le mal de gorge throat lozenge/sweet losin gwddwg; da-da dolur gwddw pastilh an lo(v)rniet ma goûg (?)
la puce flea chwannen c’hwenn
le pouce thumb bawd meud
le gros orteil big toe bawd troed meud an troad
le deuil mourning galarus kañv
pleurer to mourn galaru gouelañ; garmat; leñvañ
prendre le deuill to go into mourning dechrau/cychwyn galaru ober e gañvoù; (g)ober begin
bruyant; chahuteur rowdy; noisy swnllyd; stwrllyd; terfysglyd; tyrfus trouzus
les nuisances sonores (fpl) noise pollution llygredd sŵn noazadurioù e-keñver trouz
délier la langue à qn to loosen sb’s tongue llacio tafod rhywun distagellañ
diversifier to diversify amrywio; amrywiaethu liesaat; dizunvaniñ
la forge smithy gefail gof govel
le forgeron blacksmith gof gov
ériger/dresser des barricades to set up a barricade codi baricêd savelladenniñ stoc’hoù
tenir des barricades to man the barricades gweithio baricadau
le feuilleton (TV/radio) serial cyfres romant -kazetenn

Droug gouzoug

Droug gouzoug am eus, ha ne c’hallan ket kanañ evit c’hoazh, met gallout a gomz c’hoazh. N’am eus ket kanañ d’ar kor skleroz strewek (SKLES) dec’h. Gwelet am eus ur film, Tasmant d’an Opera, e skol-veur dec’h da nos.

I have a sore throat, and can’t sing at the moment, but can still speak. I didn’t go to the MS choir yesterday. Last night I saw the film Phantom of the Opera at the university.

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
(porter) déguisement (to wear) fancy dress (gwisgo) gwisg ffansi (gwiskañ) abilhamant
déguisé(e) in fancy dress mewn gwisg ffansi e dic’hize
se déguiser to go in fancy dress gwisgo gwisg ffansi dic’hizañ; abilhañ; livañ
la fête costumé fancy dress party parti gwisg ffansi fest gwisket
le bal masqué/costumé fancy dress ball dawns gwisg ffansi bal masklet
sépulchre sepulchre beddrod
une farce ou une gâterie
bonbons ou bâton
trick or treat cast ynteu ceiniog
la réunion des étudiants anciens alumni reunion aduniad cynfyfyrwyr
nul; vraiment trash; tocarde trashy (film, book) diwerth; sothachlyd; da i ddim neb; tamm
renvoyer qn; metter qn à la porte to give sb the sack rhoi’r hwi; rhoi ei droed; rhoi gardiau diskouviañ; kas en e roud; war e giz
être mis à la porte; être renvoyer to get the sack cael yr hwu / y sac / y droed

Argraffydd newydd

Ddoe roedd dim ond dau ohonon ni yn y sesiwn yma, ac mi wnaethon ni canu alawon o Ynys Manaw yn bennaf. Doedd dim ymarfer y côr cymuned oherwydd hanner tymor ydy’r wythnos ‘ma. Gyda’r nos mi wnes aros gartref ynhytrach na mynd i’r sesiwn yn y Skerries.

Heddiw mi ddaeth yr argraffydd newydd mi wnes i archebu Ddydd Mawrth. Rhyw wythnos yn ôl mi wnaeth fy hen argraffydd aros i weithio, ac ar ôl chwilio am ffordd i ei atgyweirio, mi wnes i sylweddoli bydd atgyweiriadau yn costio mwy na argraffydd newydd, felly mi wnes prynu un newydd. Mi wnes i prynu silffoedd newydd hefyd i roi’r ffeiliau sy’n gwasgu at ei gilydd ger fy nesg ar hyn o bryd. Dw i’n ymbalfalu i adeiladu nhw.

Yesterday there were only two of us at the session here, and we mainly played tunes from the Isle of Man. There wasn’t a community choir practise because this week is half-term. In the evening I stayed at home rather than going to the session in the Skerries.

Today the new printer I ordered on Tuesday arrived. A few weeks ago my old printer stopped working, and after searching for ways to fix it, I realised that it would cost more to fix it than to buy a new printer, so I bought a new one. I also bought some new shelves for the files that currently huddle together by my desk. I’m struggling to put them together.

Sgwrs amlieithog

Mi wnaeth aelod newydd yn dod i’r grŵp sgwrsio amlieithog ddoe – Almaenes sy’n astudio ecoleg amaethyddol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor. Cyn dod i Fangor mi wnaeth hi’n cysylltu â fi yn gofyn am le i aros dros dro wrth iddi hi chwilio am ystafell i rentu. Roedd gen cyfaill o’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg ystafell rydd, felly mi wnes i rhoi nhw mewn cysylltiad efo’n gilydd, ac mae’r Almaenes yn aros efo’r cyfaill ‘na bellach. Beth bynnag, mi wnaethon ni siarad yn Almaeneg a Saesneg, ac yn y Wyddeleg hefyd. Mae fy Almaeneg i wedi rhydu, ond dw i’n dal i fedru ei siarad yn eitha’ da. Ar ôl hyn mi wnes i i Global Café, ac mi wnes i siarad yn Mandarineg efo myfyrwyr o Tsieina, ac yn Saesneg efo myfyrwyr o Loegr a Singapore.

Mae tipyn o ddolur gwddw arna i ar hyn o bryd, felly bydda i ddim yn recordio’r testun ‘ma heddiw.

A new member came to the polyglot conversation group yesteray – a German lass who is studying agro-ecology in Bangor Uni. Before coming to Bangor she contacted me asking for a temporary place to stay while she looked for a room to rent. A friend of mine from the French conversation group had a spare room, so I put them in touch with each other, and the German lass is now staying with that friend. Anyway, we talked in German and English, and in Irish as well. My German is a bit rusty, but I can still speak it fairly well. After that I went to Global Café, and I talked in Mandarin with some students from China, and in English with students from England and Singapore.

I have a bit of a sort throat, so won’t be recording this text today.