Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le grand-bi (vélo) penny-farthing (bicycle) beic peni-ffardding; ceffyl haearn
rebondir to bounce rhybedio; trybowndio; sboncio adlammat
le gros titre headline pennawd
la course race (competition) ras redadeg
l’interprète performer (musician) perfformiwr; chwaraewr kaner; c’hoarier
performe(u)r performer (athlete) perfformiwr
originaire/natif (d’un pays) native (of a country) brodor genidik
indigène native (original inhabitant) brodor henvroat
le pays natal native country mamwlad; gwlad enedigol mammvro
la langue natale native language mamiaith; iaith frodorol yezh vamm; yezh e gavell
locateur natif native speaker siaradwr brodorol komzer orin
c’est un français de souche he’s a native Frenchman brodor Ffrainc ydy o
endémique native (plant) brodorol brosezat
la (voiture) décapotable convertible (car) car codi; car to clwt karr to-disto
terrifié terrified dychrynedig; mewn ofn
l’épouvantail (m) scarecrow bwgan brain spontailh
la forêt tropicale humide; la forêt pluviale rain forest fforest law forest lav
le defaut d’élocution speech impediment nam ar leferydd
le jour de congé; la journée libre day off diwrnod rhydd; diwrnod i’r brenin
le briquet (cigarette) lighter taniwr (sigaréts) direnn
le short shorts siorts bragoù berr

Le Grand-Bi

Penny-farthing bicycle / Le Grand-Bi

I discovered today the French term for a penny-farthing bicycle (pictured right) is le grand-bi. It is also known as a bicycle, and that was what they were usually called in English when they were popular in the 1880s. The name penny-farthing only came to be used in around 1891.

The penny-farthing, which is also known as a high wheel or high wheeler, was developed by James Starley in England and Eugene Meyer in France in about 1870. They were based on the French boneshaker or vélocipède, a term from Latin meaning “fast feet” and coined by Nicéphore Niépce in 1818. The large front wheel enabled higher speeds as with each turn of the pedals you could go further, however sudden stops would often send a rider flying over the handle bars, so penny-farthings lost out to safety bicycles, which were introduced in the 1890s, and were the ancestors of modern bicycles.

I think the French name is short for le grand bicycle, and the name penny-farthing comes from the fact that front wheel was a lot larger than the back one, like an old penny coin and a farthing (1/4 of a penny).

In Welsh such bicycles are known as beic peni-ffardding or ceffyl haearn (“iron horse”).

Do you have other names from them? Are or were such bikes used in your country? Have you ever ridden one?

I once rode a small, modern version of a penny-farthing at a bike show in Taipei. It was interesting, and I soon learnt that you have get off by stepping down to the rear as trying to dismount like on a normal bicycle doesn’t work and can leave you sprawling on the floor.

One of the guys at the circus on Wednesday night was riding a penny-farthing, which is why it came up in conversation.

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le dioxyde de carbone carbon dioxide carbon deuocsid / deuocsid carbon dioksidenn garbon
l’onduleur; l’inverseur (electrical) inverter gwrthröydd gwagenner; ginader
l’échafaudage (m) scaffolding sgaffaldiau; sgaffaldwaith chafotaj
le compteur [kɔ̃tœʀ] (d’électricité) (electricity) meter mesurydd (trydan) konter (tredan)
le parcmètre parking meter cloc/mesurydd parcio parkmetr
la coupure [kupyʀ] de courant power cut toriad trydan troc’h tredan
passer to flow (electrical current) llifo flistrañ
l’essaim (m) [esɛ̃] swarm haid barr; hedd; taol; tokad
se regrouper en masse; essaimer to swarm (bees) heidio adtaoleiñ; adtaoler; barrañ; flac’hediñ; hediñ; taoler hed
les tong (fpl) flip-flops fflip-fflops soledennoù; solennoù
alcootest®; éthylotest; éthylomètre breathalyzer® alkotest; etilotest; etilometr
le tonneau; le fût cask casgen; baril; hogsied tonell; fust
la taupe mole gwadd; twrch daear goz
tapeur; crocheteur scrounger chwiwleidr; crafangwr suner; klocheder
l’assignation (f) à comparaître (court) summons gwŷs
recevoir une assignation à comparaître to be served a summons derbyn gwŷs
la déposition (legal) statement mynegiad; datganiad testeni



While putting together this week’s mots de la semaine, some of the interesting words and phrases that come in the French conversation group I go to on Thursday evenings, I discovered the Welsh word gwymona [gʊɨˈmɔna], which means “to gather seaweed (for fertilizer)” – an interesting and specific meaning.

It comes from the word for seaweed, gwymon and suggests that seaweed and the gathering of it was sufficiently important in Wales for there to be a verb for it.

Are there a similar verbs in other languages?

A type of seaweed known as laver (porphyra umbilicalis) is sometimes eaten in Wales as a cold salad with lamb or mutton; heated and served with boiled bacon; or eaten in the form of laverbread (bara lawr), which is made from laver that is boiled for several hours, then minced or pureed, mixed with oatmeal and fried. Traditionally laverbread was eaten for breakfast with cockles and bacon.

Laver is far more commonly eaten in East Asia, especially in Japan, where it is known as 海苔 (nori), in Korea, where it’s called 김 (gim), and in China, where it’s known as 紫菜 (zǐcài).

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le vers verse pennill poz
le refrain chorus corawd diskan
le réseau (électrique) (electricity) grid rhwydwaith (trydan) rouedad (tredan)
la charrette (horse-drawn) cart cart; trol karr
le cheval de trait cart horse ceffyl gwedd/gwaith/cart kezeg tenn
metter la charrue avant les bœufs to put the cart before the horse rhoi’r cart/drol o flaen y ceffyl
se concentrer sur to concentrate on canolbwyntio ar en em dopliñ war
porter son attention sur to concentrate one’s attention on canolbwyntio ar en em dopliñ war
la colombe dove colomen koulm
la pensée latérale lateral thinking meddwl ochrol; meddwl wysg eich ochr soñj gostez (?)
un vieil ami an old friend hen gyfaill kamarad kozh (?)
les algues (fpl) seaweed gwymon bezhin
gaspiller to squander (money) gwastraffu; afradu digalzañ
gâcher to squander (chances) gwastraffu priennañ
travail en retard backlog of work llwyth o waith yn aros i’w wneud
les séquences footage (filmed material) ffilm laziad
creuser to dig (a hole) palu; cloddio kleuzañ
bêcher to dig (the garden) claddu palat
taper (qch à qn) to scrounge (sth off sb) begera (rhywbeth gan rywun)
mettre l’accent sur qch to put emphasis on sth pwyleisio ar rywbeth

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
prendre des libertés to take liberties bod yn hy[f]; beiddio gwneud rhth monet / mont re frank ouzh ub
le devis quotation (estimate) pris rakpriz
la citation quotation (from book) dyfynnu arroudenn
les guillemets (m) quotation marks dyfynodau klochedigoù
les arrhes (m) deposit (refundable) blaendal (ad-daladwy) arrez
l’acompte (m) deposit (non refundable) blaendal (di-ad-daladwy) rannbae
hors taxes; exempté de douane duty-free di-doll; tollrydd pep taos er-maez
le chargement load (things carried) llwyth fard
il pleuviote it’s spitting (with rain) mae hi’n pigo bwrw / taflu dafnau pleuvasser a ra
la bruine; le crachin drizzle glaw mân; gwlithlaw; manlaw; brithlaw ailhenn
éthique; moral ethical ethic buhezegezh; divezel


An interesting word that came up in my Breton lesson today is archerien, which means police. It caught my attention because it has no obvious connection to the word police, and because it is completely different to the equivalent words in other Celtic languages:

– Welsh: heddlu (“peace force”)
– Cornish: kreslu (“peace host”)
– Irish: gardaí (síochána) (“guards of peace”); póilíní
– Manx: meoiryn shee (“peace keepers/stewards”); poleenyn
– Scottish Gaelic: poileas

The English word police comes from the French police (public order, administration, government), from the Latin polītīa (state, government), from the Greek πολιτεία (politeia – citizenship, government, administration, constitution). It is shares the same root as policy, politics, politician and various other words [source].

Many languages use variants on the word police, e.g. Politsei (Estonian), პოლიცია (polits’ia – Georgian), Polizei (German), पुलिस (pulis – Hindi), پلیس (pulis – Persian), Booliis (Somalia), Policía (Spanish), Pulis (Tagalog), but some do their own thing:

– Bavarian: Kibara
– Chinese: 警察 (jǐngchá); 公安 (gōng’ān)
– Faroese: Løgregla
– Greek: Αστυνομία (Astynomía)
– Hungarian: Rendőrség
– Icelandic: Lögregla
– Japanese: 警察 (keisatsu)
– Korean: 警察 (gyeongchal)
– Thai: ตำรวจ (tảrwc)

Are there other examples of languages with a word unrelated to police for police?

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
imperméable waterproof diddosi didreuz
barboter; faire trempette to paddle (in water) slotian; padlo; ffritian bourbouilhañ
pagayer to paddle (a kayak/canoe) rhwyfo; padlo roeñvat
la pataugeoire paddling pool pwll padlo poullig patouilhañ
patauger to wade/splash about; flounder sblasio; fflatsio; slotian; ymdrochi papouilhat
décrocher to go cold turkey gwneud triniaeth croen gwydd diskregiñ
tailler to sharpen (pencil) rhoi/gwneud blaen (ar bensel); hogi, miniogi krennañ
le taille-crayon pencil sharpener peth gwneud min/awch ar bensel beger-kreionoù
aiguiser to sharpen (blade/appetite) hogi; rhoi min ar lemmañ
le coquelicot poppy (wild) llygad y cythraul; llygad y bwgan; bochgoch roz-aer
le pavot poppy (cultivated) pabi roz-moc’h
les soins intensifs (m) intensive care gofal arbennig; gofal dwys prederioù askoridik
les menottes (f) handcuffs gefynnau (llaw) kefioù-dorn; grizilhonoù
menotter to handcuff gefynnu; rhoi gefynnau (ar) grizilhonañ
avoir les menottes aux poignets to be handcuffed bod mewn gefynnau

Tag questions, innit!

Tag questions or question tags are interrogative fragments (tags) added to statements making them into sort of questions. They tend to be used more in colloquial speech and informal writing than in formal writing, and can indicate politeness, emphasis, irony, confidence or lack of it, and uncertainty. Some are rhetorical and an answer is not expected, others invite a response.

In English they come in various forms, for example:

– I like coconut, don’t I?
– You’re tall, aren’t you?
– He’s handsome, isn’t he?
– She said she’d be here, didn’t she?
– It’ll rain tomorrow, won’t it?
– We were away, weren’t we?
– You’d gone, hadn’t you?
– They’ll be there, won’t they?

A simpler tag question used is some varieties of English in innit, a contraction of isn’t it, which could be used for all the examples above. Other English tags include right? and eh? – do you use any others?

Tag questions in Celtic languages can also have quite complex forms which depend on the verb and the subject in the main clause, particularly in Welsh.

T’eh braew jiu, nagh vel? (It’s fine today, isn’t it?)
Hie ad dys y thie oast riyr, nagh jagh? (They went to the pub last night, didn’t they?)
Bee oo goll magh mairagh, nagh bee? (You’ll go out tomorrow, won’t you?)

Tá sé go breá inniu, nach bhfuil? (It’s fine today, isn’t it?)
Chuaigh siad go dtí an teach tábhairne aréir, nagh ndeachaigh? (They went to the pub last night, didn’t they?)
Beidh tú ag dul amach amárach, nach bheidh? (You’ll go out tomorrow, won’t you?)

Scottish Gaelic
Tha i brèagha an diugh, nach eil? (It’s fine today, isn’t it?)
Chaidh iad dhan taigh-òsta an-raoir, nagh deach? (They went to the pub last night, didn’t they?)
Bidh thu a’ dol a-mach a-màireach, nach bi? (You’ll go out tomorrow, won’t you?)

Mae’n braf heddiw, on’d ydy? (It’s fine today, isn’t it?)
Mi aethon nhw nhw’n mynd i’r dafarn neithiwr, on’d wnaethon? (They went to the pub last night, didn’t they?)
Fyddet ti’n mynd allan yfory, on’ fyddet? (You’ll go out tomorrow, won’t you?)

I’m not sure about how tag questions work in Breton and Cornish.

In other languages things can be simpler:

– Czech: že?
– French: n’est-ce pas? non?
– German: nicht wahr? nicht? oder?
– Italian: no? vero? (positive), non è vero? (negative)
– Polish: prawda? (positive), nieprawdaż? (negative)
– Russian: да? (da?)
– Spanish: ¿no? ¿verdad?

Can you provide other examples?

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la cuisinière cooker cwcer; popty; ffwrn keginerez; fornigell
la cusinère à gaz; la gazinière gas cooker popty/ffwrn nwy keginerez dre c’haz
la cuisinère électrique; le four électrique electric cooker popty trydan; ffwrn drydan keginerez-tredan
l’autocuiseur (m) pressure cooker sosban bwysedd/frys primgaoter
le panneau solaire solar panel panel haul panell-heol
le panneau photovoltaïque photovoltaic (PV) panel panel ffotofoltäig/ffotofoltaidd panell-fotovoltaek
la courbe curve cromlin krommenn
courbe; arrondi curved crwm; crom kromm
l’accordéon (m) accordion acordion; cordion akordeoñs
l’accordéon à touches piano accordion piano-acordion akordeoñs piano
le concertina concertina consertina koñsertina