Traethawd hir

Yr wythnos hon mi orffennes y trydedd fersiwn fy nhraethawd hir, ac mi es i weld fy nhiwtor i siarad amdano. Ers hynny dw i wedi bod yn meddwl am pa bethau sy angen newid neu wella ynddo, ond mae rhaid i mi aros tan Ddydd Mercher i glywed beth mae nhiwtor yn meddwl amdano.

Ar ôl i mi orffen fy nghwrs MA, beth bydda i’n gwneud? Dyna sut mae llawer o bobl yn fy ofyn yn ddiweddar. A dweud y gwir, dw i ddim yn hollol siŵr. Does dim rhaid i mi chwilio am waith ‘go iawn’ oherwydd mod i’n medru ennill digon o bres i fyw amdano o fy ngwefan Omniglot, ac o’r erthyglau ydw i’n ysgrifennu am wefannau eraill. Ac dw i’n medru gwneud y pethau hyn o unrhywle yn y byd, ar yr amod fod gen i cysylltiad i’r we.

Dw i’n bwriadu aros ym Mangor am blwyddyn neu ddwy arall yn gwella fy wefan, fy ieithoedd ac fy ngherddoriaeth, ac efallai yn gwneud rhyw waith gwirfoddol. Hoffwn i’n gwneud cwrs Gaeleg a cherddoriaeth traddodiadoli yn y coleg ym Menbecwla (Beinn na Faoghla), ynys bach yn yr Ynysoedd Allanol Heledd hefyd.


An seachtain seo chríochnaigh mé an tríú leagan mo thráchtas, agus chuaigh mé chun mo theagascóir a fheiceáil agus phléigh muid faoi. As sin amach tá mé ag smaoineamh ar cén rudaí ba cheart dom athrú nó feabhsú ann, ach caithfidh mé ag fanacht go dtí Dé Céadaoin chun cad é atá sé ag smaoineamh faoi a chluinstin.

I ndiaidh dom mo chúrsa MA a chríochnú, cad é a dhéanfaidh mé? Sin í an cheist a mbíonn a lán daoine ag cuir orm le déanaí. Déanta na fírinne, níl mé cinnte. Ní mór dom post ‘ceart’ a lorg, mar bhíonn go leor airgid ag teacht isteach ó mo shuíomh gréasáin Omniglot, agus ó na hailt a bhím ag scríobh le suíomhanna eile. Agus is féidir liom na rudaí sin a dhéanamh in áit air bith sa domhain, a fhad agus tá ceagal idirlín agam.

Tá rún agam a bheith ag fanacht anseo i mBangor le bliana nó dhá eile ag feabhsú mo shuíomh gréasáin, mo theangacha agus mo cheol, agus b’fhéidir ag déanamh obair deonach. Ba maith liom cúrsa a dhéanamh ar ceol traidisiúnta agus Gaeilge na hAlban sa Colaisde Bheinn na Faoghla chomh maith.

Facial expressions

Happy face

When you look at someone to try and work out what they’re feeling, do you focus on their mainly eyes, or on their whole face?

If you come from East Asia you might focus mainly on the eyes and express your emotions mainly through your eyes, whereas Westerners tend to focus on and use their whole face, at least according to an article on Science Daily.

The researchers found that facial expressions they believed to be universally recognisable were often misinterpreted by people from East Asia, who tend to focus most on the eyes when trying to decipher such expressions. They also noted the emoticons reflect this difference as well, in that Western ones use the mouth the convey emotions, e.g. 🙂 (happy) and 🙁 (sad), while East Asian ones use the eyes: ^.^ (happy) and ;_; (sad).

Eisteddfod Llangollen

Yr wythnos ddiwethaf es i i’r eisteddfod yn Llangollen dwy waith – Ddydd Mercher es i efo ffrindiau prifysgol, a Ddydd Gwener es i yn ôl ar fy mhen fy hunan. Roedd y ddwy ddydd yn wych, ac mi weles i gerddor, gantorion a dawnswyr talentog o bob cwr y byd.

Nos Sadwrn roedd parti wych ar ffarm un o aelodau y côr cymuned yn Nhregarth. Parti diwedd y tymor ydoedd. Roedd hi’n bwrw glaw trwm, ond mwynhaom yn dda.

Llangollen Eisteddfod

Last week I went to the Eisteddfod in Llangollen twice – on Wednesday with friends from the university, and on my own on Friday. Both days were great, and I saw loads of talented musicians, singers and dancers from all over the world.

On Saturday night there was an end of term party for the community choir on the farm of one of the members in Tregarth. It rained heavily, but we had a great time.


Dw i wedi bod yn brysur yn ddiweddar -es i i’r Bala efo ffrindiau prifysgol ddoe, a neithiwr roedd parti yn nhŷ un o fy ffrindiau o gôr cymunedol. Nos Wener ymunais â’r Côr Dysgwyr Cymraeg, ac roedden nhw’n dathlu eu llwyddiant yn Eisteddfod Môn. Nos Iau roedd ginio efo ffrindiau o fy nghwrs, ac y penwythnos diwethaf es i i Abermaw efo ffrindiau prifysgol. Dw i wedi sgwennu chwe mil o eiriau ar gyfer fy nhraethawd hir hefyd. Yfory a i i Ynys Manaw am bythefnos, a dw i’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr ato.


I handed in my last essay today, so that’s pretty much the end of the taught part of my course and I can now concentrate on my dissertation. It’s a great relief to get all the assignments out of the way after spending what seems like ages on them. Fortunately I don’t have any exams this semester. The course seems to have gone really quickly and I’ve learned a lot of interesting and useful things. The areas I’ve found most interesting have been phonetics, bilingualism and speech and language disorders.

I plan to spend the last two weeks of June on the Isle of Man gathering information for my dissertation, learning some more Manx, and having a bit of a holiday. The last time I was on the island was about 30 years ago when I went there on a day trip from primary school, and I’m looking forward to going back. I’ve started making contact with a number of Manx speakers and hope to meet as many of them as possible when I’m on the island.

Are there any Manx speakers or learners who read this blog?

Vel Gaelgeyryn erbee lhaih yn blog shoh?

The importance of backups

This blog seems to be working again now and I’ve managed to restore the data up to last November. Unfortunately that was the last time I made a backup of the blog, and due to the problems with my old server, it is not possible to recover the data since then. Oh well, lesson learned. I will try to make regular backups from now on.

The forum is also up again, though I haven’t managed to restore any of the old data, so we’ll just have to start anew. Sorry!

In other news, one of the university assignments I’ve been working on is a presentation on bimodal bilinguals – that is people with normal hearing who have deaf parents and grow up fluent in sign language and a spoken language such as English. Unlike other bilinguals who switch between their languages (code switch), bimodal bilinguals can speak and sign at the same time (code blend). Normally the signs and words mean the same thing, though occasionally one adds to the meaning of the other. When speaking, for example, some of the words may be accompanied by signs, and vice versa. It is also possible to use both languages simultaneously, a difficult undertaking known as SimCom (Simultaneous Communication) which is used in educational settings.

I find this topic fascinating as I’m learning British Sign Language as the moment. So when I give my presentation on this, I’ll be able to demonstrate a bit of code-blending.


Mae’r semestr cyntaf ar ben bellach, a dw i’n gallu ymlacio tipyn bach ar ôl wythnosau o waith ar fy aseiniadau. Ydw i wedi gorffen nhw o’r diwedd Ddydd Iau diwethaf, ac heblaw arholiadau seineg Ddydd Gwener, ’sdim gen i ddim byd i wneud ar gyfer y prifysgol yr wythnos hon. Wrth gwrs mae gen i pethau eraill i wneud – erthyglau i ysgrifennu, cerddoriaeth i ymarfer, ieithoedd i ddysgu, a phethau i wneud ar Omniglot, felly fydda i ddim yn hollol diog. Eto i gyd, dydy’r pethau ‘na ddim yn teimlo fel gwaith oherwydd dw i’n mwynhau gwneud nhw.

Bydda yr ail semestr yn cychwyn wythnos i yfory a bydda i’n gwneud modiwlau dewisol mewn anhwylderau iaith a materion cyfoes yn ddwyieithrwydd. Yn anffodus, dydy’r modiwl mewn caffaeliad iaith plentyn ddim ar gael yn yr ail semestr, felly roedd rhaid i mi ddewis rhywbeth arall.

Lig mo scíth

Tá an chead téarma críochnaithe anois, agus is féidir liom lig mo scíth giota beag i ndiaidh a bheith ag obair go dian le seachtaine ar mo thascanna ollscoile. Chríochnaigh mé na tascanna faoi dheireadh Déardaoin seo caite, agus lasmuigh de scrúdú foghraíocht Dé hAoine seo chugainn, níl obair ar bith agam ar an ollscoil. Tá rudaí eile i dhéanamh agam ar ndóigh – airteagail a scríobh, ceol a chleachtadh, teangacha a fhoghlaim, agus rudaí a dhéanamh ar Omniglot, mar sin de ní bheidh mé go hiomlán díomhaoin. Ach is maith liom na rudaí sin a dhéanamh, agus dá bhrí sin, ní bhíonn iad mar obair dom.

Tosóidh an dara téarma seachtain ón lá amárach, agus beidh mé ag déanamh modúil i neamhord teanga agus ceisteanna reatha dátheangachais. Ní bhíodh an modúl sealbhú teanga an pháiste ar siúl sa dara téarma, ar an drochuair, dá bhrí sin bhí orm rud éigin eile a roghnú.


The first semester is over now and I can relax a bit after weeks of work on my assignments, which I finally finished last Thursday. Apart from phonetics exams on Friday next, I don’t have anything else to do for uni this coming week. Of course I have plenty of other things to do – articles to write, music to practise, languages to learn, and stuff to do on Omniglot, so I won’t be completely idle. Then again, these are all things I enjoy doing, so they don’t feel like work.

The second semester starts a week tomorrow and I’ll be doing modules in language disorders and current issues in bilingualism. Unforunately the module in child language acquisition is not available in the second semester, so I had to choose something else.


Dw i’n treulio Nadolig efo fy rhieni yn Sir Gaerhirfryn, yn mwynhau bwyd fy mam, yn gwilio gormod o deledu ac yn ymlacio.

Bydda i’n mynd yn ôl i Fangor yr wythnos nesaf, ac mae cryn dipyn o bethau i wneud ar gyfer fy nghwrs yn y prifysgol.


Tá mé ag caitheamh an Nollaig le mo thuismitheoirí i Lancashire, ag bhain sult as bia mo mháthair, ag amharc ar an teilifís agus ag tógáil go bog é.

Rachaidh mé ar ais go Bangor an seachtain seo chugainn, agus tá a lán obair ollscoile agam a dhéanamh.


I’m spending Christmas with my parents in the wilds of Lancashire, enjoying my mum’s cooking, watching too much telly and generally relaxing.

I’ll be back in Bangor next week and have quite a bit of work to do for my course in the university.


Roedd ginio Nadolig y Gymdeithas Ieithyddiaeth Bangor (CIB) mewn tŷ bwyta ym Mharc Britannia Nos Fawrth. Roedd y bywyd yn dda ac mwynheuais yn fawr. Roedd ginio arall am ieithyddion uwchraddedig Nos Iau – aethon ni i dŷ bwyta bach ar y stryd mawr ac roedd hi’n wych. Neithiwr es i i berfformiad Messiah gan y Cantorian a Cherddorfa Monteverdi yn y prifysgol. Roedd y cyngerdd yn ardderchog a ches i fynediad am ddim oherwydd mod i’n helpu efo’r te a choffi yn egwyl.


On Tuesday night the Bangor Linguistics Society had their Christmas dinner at a restaurant in Parc Britannia. The food was good and we had a great time playing silly games. There was another dinner on Thursday evening for postgrad linguists – we went to a small restaurant on the High Street and it was good. Last night I went to a performance of Handel’s Messiah by the Monteverdi Singers and Orchestra at the university. The concert was excellent and I got in for free because I helped with the refreshments in the interval.