
Here’s a request from a visitor to Omniglot that maybe you can help with:

I purchased a copper pitcher from an antiques dealer in Baghdad recently and found two characters marked under the lip of the pitcher. The dealer wasn’t aware of the marks and assures me that the piece is from Iraq/Iraqi made, yet, though they appear to be some form of Arabic, none of our interpreters have been able to tell me what the marks mean. Can you please tell me what they are? I have studied every alphabet chart online, but cannot find an exact match.

Mystery symbols from a copper pitcher

The image on the left was the one sent to me. The other ones are the same image flipped round.


These puzzles were sent in by a visitor to Omniglot from Taiwan. The first appears on a mosquito coil and looks a bit like Tibetan or one of the other Brahmi-derived scripts.

Mystery writing from mosquito coil

These characters were spotted in Lugang (鹿港).

Mystery writing from Lugang

Can you make any sense of the writing in either of these images?