Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
prendre des libertés to take liberties bod yn hy[f]; beiddio gwneud rhth monet / mont re frank ouzh ub
le devis quotation (estimate) pris rakpriz
la citation quotation (from book) dyfynnu arroudenn
les guillemets (m) quotation marks dyfynodau klochedigoù
les arrhes (m) deposit (refundable) blaendal (ad-daladwy) arrez
l’acompte (m) deposit (non refundable) blaendal (di-ad-daladwy) rannbae
hors taxes; exempté de douane duty-free di-doll; tollrydd pep taos er-maez
le chargement load (things carried) llwyth fard
il pleuviote it’s spitting (with rain) mae hi’n pigo bwrw / taflu dafnau pleuvasser a ra
la bruine; le crachin drizzle glaw mân; gwlithlaw; manlaw; brithlaw ailhenn
éthique; moral ethical ethic buhezegezh; divezel


An interesting word that came up in my Breton lesson today is archerien, which means police. It caught my attention because it has no obvious connection to the word police, and because it is completely different to the equivalent words in other Celtic languages:

– Welsh: heddlu (“peace force”)
– Cornish: kreslu (“peace host”)
– Irish: gardaí (síochána) (“guards of peace”); póilíní
– Manx: meoiryn shee (“peace keepers/stewards”); poleenyn
– Scottish Gaelic: poileas

The English word police comes from the French police (public order, administration, government), from the Latin polītīa (state, government), from the Greek πολιτεία (politeia – citizenship, government, administration, constitution). It is shares the same root as policy, politics, politician and various other words [source].

Many languages use variants on the word police, e.g. Politsei (Estonian), პოლიცია (polits’ia – Georgian), Polizei (German), पुलिस (pulis – Hindi), پلیس (pulis – Persian), Booliis (Somalia), Policía (Spanish), Pulis (Tagalog), but some do their own thing:

– Bavarian: Kibara
– Chinese: 警察 (jǐngchá); 公安 (gōng’ān)
– Faroese: Løgregla
– Greek: Αστυνομία (Astynomía)
– Hungarian: Rendőrség
– Icelandic: Lögregla
– Japanese: 警察 (keisatsu)
– Korean: 警察 (gyeongchal)
– Thai: ตำรวจ (tảrwc)

Are there other examples of languages with a word unrelated to police for police?

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
imperméable waterproof diddosi didreuz
barboter; faire trempette to paddle (in water) slotian; padlo; ffritian bourbouilhañ
pagayer to paddle (a kayak/canoe) rhwyfo; padlo roeñvat
la pataugeoire paddling pool pwll padlo poullig patouilhañ
patauger to wade/splash about; flounder sblasio; fflatsio; slotian; ymdrochi papouilhat
décrocher to go cold turkey gwneud triniaeth croen gwydd diskregiñ
tailler to sharpen (pencil) rhoi/gwneud blaen (ar bensel); hogi, miniogi krennañ
le taille-crayon pencil sharpener peth gwneud min/awch ar bensel beger-kreionoù
aiguiser to sharpen (blade/appetite) hogi; rhoi min ar lemmañ
le coquelicot poppy (wild) llygad y cythraul; llygad y bwgan; bochgoch roz-aer
le pavot poppy (cultivated) pabi roz-moc’h
les soins intensifs (m) intensive care gofal arbennig; gofal dwys prederioù askoridik
les menottes (f) handcuffs gefynnau (llaw) kefioù-dorn; grizilhonoù
menotter to handcuff gefynnu; rhoi gefynnau (ar) grizilhonañ
avoir les menottes aux poignets to be handcuffed bod mewn gefynnau

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la cuisinière cooker cwcer; popty; ffwrn keginerez; fornigell
la cusinère à gaz; la gazinière gas cooker popty/ffwrn nwy keginerez dre c’haz
la cuisinère électrique; le four électrique electric cooker popty trydan; ffwrn drydan keginerez-tredan
l’autocuiseur (m) pressure cooker sosban bwysedd/frys primgaoter
le panneau solaire solar panel panel haul panell-heol
le panneau photovoltaïque photovoltaic (PV) panel panel ffotofoltäig/ffotofoltaidd panell-fotovoltaek
la courbe curve cromlin krommenn
courbe; arrondi curved crwm; crom kromm
l’accordéon (m) accordion acordion; cordion akordeoñs
l’accordéon à touches piano accordion piano-acordion akordeoñs piano
le concertina concertina consertina koñsertina

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le macadam (goudronné) tarmac tarmac makadam
goudronner to tarmac/asphalt tarmacio; coltario koultronañ
les bons et les méchants goodies and baddies dynion da a dynion drwg an tud vat hag an tud fall
un sachet de petits cadeaux a little bag of goodies bag bach o dda-da
[petit sac pour emporter les restes après un repas au restaurant] doggie/doggy bag bag sborion
clair comme de l’encre as clear as mud annealladwy; fel tatws llaeth
clair comme le cristal / comme de l’eau de roche as clear as day/crystal mor olau a’r dydd; clir fel grisial
le champ de foire fairground cae ffair marc’hallac’h
le typhon; l’ouragan typhoon gyrwynt; corwynt; teiffŵn tifon
la monnaie; la devise currency arian (treigl/cyfredol) moneiz; teulenn
les devises étrangères foreign currency arian tramor moneiz estren (?)

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le linge laundry (clothes) dillad golchi; y golch lien
la blanchisserie laundry (shop, place) golchdy gwennerezh; kannerezh
la laverie (automatique) laundrette laundrette gwalc’herezh; kanndi
la guérison curing, healing, recovery iachau; iachâd pare; gwelladeg
la gueule de bois hangover pen mawr/clwc; salwch bore drannoeth; salwch ar ôl y ffair poan vlev
joindre les deux bouts to make ends meet cael deu ben llinyn ynghyd
avoir beaucoup de mal à joindre les deux bouts; tirer le diable par la queue to stuggle to make ends meet cael yn anodd i gael dau ben llinyn ynghyd
l’influence (f) de l’entourage; pression exercée par les autres peer pressure pwysau cyfoedion
le loup de mer old seadog; sea bass hen forwr; ysbinbysg y môr bleiz mor; ki mor
farcir to stuff (food) llenwi; stwffio farsañ
le fenouil fennel ffenigl; ffunell fanouilh
malveillant evil (person) drwg; drygionus; dihiryn maliset
branlant wobbly (chair/table) sigledig; siglog; woblog brall; divrall
tremblant wobbly (voice/jelly) crynedig krenedik
avoir les jambes flageolantes to feel wobbly teimlo yn sigledig / siglog / woblog sentet trabidellus
Je ne te reproche pas I don’t blame you ni welaf i ddim bai arnat ti
une motte de gazon sod; piece of turf darn o dywarchen moudenn leton
brouter to graze (on grass) pori peuriñ
mouchard grass (informer) prepiwr; hen brep; clep; clepgi to(u)pin
donner qn to grass on sb prepian am/ar rywun kelaouiñ da unan bennak
la flottabilité buoyancy hynofedd flotuster

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
le filet net rhwyd tanavenn
le siège (chair, stool, toilet); la place (on bus/train); la selle (bicycle) seat sedd seziz
la hache d’arme battleaxe bwyell ryfel; cadfwyell kadvouc’hal
le virago battleaxe (quarrelsome woman) hen sguthan; hen arthes oz(h)ac’hwreg
le coucou cuckoo cwcw; cog koukoug
la pendule à coucou cuckoo clock cloc cwcw
le loutre otter dyfrgi dourgi
le slip underpants trôns; drafers bragez vihan
les caleçons; les longs longjohns / leggings trôns llaes; drafers hir bragoù-dindan
le (chapeau) haut-de-forme top hat het silc
le (chapeau) melon bowler hat het galed; het gron (galed) tog-meloñs; tok pompad
le chapeau mou trilby het feddal; het drilbi
le dent; la roue dentée cog dant; cocsyn; olwyn ddannedd rod dantek
être un rouage de la machine to be (only) a cog in a machine bod neb o bwys yn y drefn
la gargote greasy spoon, cheap restaurant bwyty bwyd loddin; bwyty rhad tarzhell
j’ai tout emporté sauf les murs I’ve packed everything but the kitchen sink popeth dan haul; eich holl drugareddau
la gouttière guttering landeri; landerydd; bargod kan-dour
le jardin d’hiver conservatory ty gwydr; ystafell wydr jardin go(u)añv
la croisière cruise mordaith; criws merdeadenn
être en maraude to cruise (for customers, i.e. taxi)

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la brute; le tyran bully bwli tirant
tyraniser; rudoyer; intimider to bully gormesu; bwlio gaiet gante; abafiñ
la laisse lead tennyn roll
le pont deck (of ship) bwrdd pont
la passerelle (de commandement) bridge (of ship) pont (lywio) pontenn
l’arête (f) / le dos bridge (of nose) cefn ker
le chevalet bridge (of violin) pont pontig
quand le chat n’est pas là, les souris dansent when the cat’s away the mice will play llon llygod lle ni bo cath


Korriganed are apparently small creatures that live under standing stones (dolmen/menhirs) in Brittany. They feature in one of the lessons in my Breton course and are explained thus:

“Les korrigans doivent être des êtres particulièrement petits, puisque ce mot est formé de korr, “nain”, puis du diminutif -ig puis du’un autre diminutif – obsolète aujourd’hui – -an. Il s’agit donc de “petits petits nains.”


“The korrigans must be particularly small beings, since the word is formed from corr, “dwarf”, and the diminutive -ig and the another diminutive – now obsolete – -an. So they are “little little dwarfs.”

When I read the explanation in French I saw the word nain and thought it was the Welsh word for grandmother, not realising that is means dwarf or midget in French. So for a while I believed that the Korriganed were tiny grandmothers. Later I realised my mistake and discovered the actual meaning of that word.

According to legend, the Korriganed erected the standing stones in Brittany.

Do you mistake words in one language for words in another at all?

Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
se vendre to sell out gwerthu rhth i gyd; gwerthu’r cwbl gwerzhañ holl (?)
la sueur sweat chwys c’hwezenn
suer; transpirer to sweat chwysu c’hweziñ
suer/transpirer comme un boeuf to sweat like a pig chwysu fel mochyn/ceffyl
la scène musicale the music scene man cerddoriaeth (?)
ouvert aux éléments open to the elements agor i’r gwynt a glaw; agor i’r tywydd mawr
le pavé paving stone carreg balmant; fflacsen pavez
la gare routière/d’autobus bus station gorsaf fysus gar ar c’hirri-boutin