6 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Definitely one of the Sámi languages. I’m going to go with North Sámi mostly because I can’t hear anything that would indicate otherwise. The accent sounds Scandinavian (i.e. Norwegian or Swedish).

  2. Right. I actually don’t know many languages, though a lot of accents, from four out of five inhabited continents (Asia with Europe and Africa, and the American Continent), and to me this sounds terribly “European Arctic” as well: that is, from where there are less than 100 or so sunsets a year.

    On the other hand, music-wise, this might be from Québec or further north.

  3. It doesn’t sound like Northern Sámi to me. If it really is a Sámi language then I would go for Southern Sámi.

  4. I sometimes watch Ođđasat (Sámi news) on tv, mainly because I’m too lazy to find the remote and change the channel. That’s why I know what Northern Sámi sound like. But other than that the Sámi languages are very non-present here in southern Finland. I’ve never heard or seen a single word in any of the three Sámi languages that are spoken in Finnish Lapland. According to the statistics there are only about 60 native speakers of Sámi (the statistics don’t specify which variety) in Helsinki, while there are twice as many native speakers of kinyarwanda!

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