6 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Could this be a Baltic dialect like Old Prussian, I think I hear traces of Germanic and Slavic words but this is very speculative on my part.

  2. Sounds like a native North American language. One with a large inventory of ejectives and uvular sounds as well as a lateral fricative. Tlingit maybe?

  3. To me it sounds a lot like either Nuxálk or Bella Coola, in other words, one of the Salish languages spoken in North America at the west coast near the US-Canadian border.

  4. Pretty sure it’s one of the Native American/First Nations languages of the Pacific North-West region.

    I recall we once had a Salish language on one of the quizzes before. So I’d go for Tlingit, Haida, Wakashan or something along those lines.

  5. I’m pretty sure it’s Northwest coast Native North America. I will also guess Tlingit or a related language.

  6. The answer is Kwak̓wala (Kwakiutl), a northern Wakashan language spoken along the Queen Charlotte Strait between Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columbia in Canada.

    The recording comes from the GRN.

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