25 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I recognized the conjunction ‘et’, I think. That would make it Romance. But what can sound like that? Ladin?

  2. Trond, maybe Ladino? Though I thought it sounded kind of German most of the way through, myself.

  3. sounds like some sort of language used by the indians in western movies 🙂 really strange 🙂

  4. IMHO it doesn’t particularly sound like German, Spanish, or Hebrew, so I doubt it’s Yiddish or Ladino.

    Perhaps … Neo-aramaic?

  5. I agree with TJ, Miami. In old posts, Simon did the same, he put a new language on written system and at the blog, a misterous language. Why should be different?!.

  6. It isn’t Miami – I couldn’t find any recordings in that language.

    Here’s a clue – this language is used as a liturgical language and has no native speakers.

  7. Well, I’m pretty sure it’s *not* Sanskrit…

    Shot in the dark: Classical Arabic?

  8. Sanskrit or Pali?

    Yes, I’m just rattling off liturgical languages, I don’t actually know what they sound like. If it’s a dead language I imagine it would be in the “accent” of the speaker’s native language…

  9. wish I had posted it earlier, but I was thinking that the recording did not sound like a natural native speaker, but instead someone reading a liturgical or academic language that he was not native to.

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