
Sgimilearachd definition

Sgimilearachd [sgʲimɪlɛrəxg], noun = habit of visiting other people at mealtime; intrusion (from: Am Faclair Beag)

Alternative definition: Obtrusiveness, impudence, intrusion; Mean habit of popping in upon people at meals, living and doing nothing about, gentlemen’s kitchens. (from: Am Faclair Dwelly)

This is one of the interesting Scottish Gaelic words I learnt from this blog post. Others include:

Allabhuadhach = someone who is victorious, but in disgrace.
Claidean = an absurd hammering at anything.
Nigead = those little sobs or sighs you make before or after weeping.
Atamaich = to fondle an unreasonable person.

Do similar words exist in any other languages?

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