La Journée internationale de la Francophonie

Aujourd’hui est la Journée internationale de la Francophonie, une célébration de la langue et culture française dans les 70 États et gouvernements de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF).

Today is International Francophonie Day, a celebration of French language and culture in the 70 states and governments of the International Organization of La Francophonie.

Here’s a cartoon provided by frantastique about the challenges faced by Gérard Therrien, the Director of the Agence Intergalactique de la Francophonie (AIGF) – the made-up organisation that features in their French lessons.


– Maurice, I swear …
– It’s not easy being the boss
– We want a raise
– We don’t have any more money
– I’m pregnant
– Where’s my office?
– You see … it’s hell
– Fortunately you’re there, Maurice
– Can I take Monday off?

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