12 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Interesting! It felt like my brain was broken there for a minute, because it’s similar to mandarin, but i couldn’t understand any of it. I can pick out a couple words here and there, i think. Last time i had that feeling was when i heard two guys speaking swiss-german on the bus…sounded like german, but i couldn’t understand.

  2. My guess is also Shanghainese/Wu, because it sounds so similar to Mandarin, but the tonal contours *seem* to be more limited (just my impression), and I can *definitely* hear voiced initial stops, which as far as I know only remain in Wu dialects.

  3. …I should add that there are also the voiced z initials near the beginning of the recording, too…

  4. I’m going to commit myself to the highly precise guess that it is somewhere in the Sino-Tibetan language family. The sound inventory made me think of Mandarin, but I’m fairly sure that isn’t it. Partly because I agree with #5 that it doesn’t sound tonal enough, and the rest is just a sense of “I don’t think it sounds quite like that”.

    Bear in mind, though, that it’s been about 25 years since my last Mandarin lesson…

  5. Considering casual Mandarin drops most of the tones (usually first tone in a word or sentence is used- others dropped), I’ll go with Mandarin. Not Shanghainese, which sounds almost Japanese, but is not- It’s very distinct and unusuas to listen to!

    Now watch, it’ll probably be something like Naxi or Yi, my luck. 😉


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