Name the writing system

Do you know what writing system this is and where you might see it?

Unknown writing system

A few clues: this writing system does not currently appear on Omniglot (I’ll add it when I’ve found enough information about it). It was invented during the 1950s and is logo-syllabic, i.e. each symbol represents a syllable in the spoken language, and also means something.

9 thoughts on “Name the writing system

  1. It’s an artificial one (or let’s say modern) …. I think it was invented for some purpose but not really to help some nation with its language hmm…

  2. None of you are close, I’m afraid. The answer is …

    the Bété Script, invented by Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, an artist from Côte d’Ivoire, in 1952 to write the Bété language, a member of the Kru branch of Niger-Congo languages. He invented the script to help the people of his community to learn to read and write their language. It’s still used by a few people apparently. Bouabré also wrote a number of books in Bété and French about his script.

    There’s more information about it at: (PDF)

  3. Sometimes wide imagination can block the information flow that makes you practical, especially with something like writing! 🙂

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