On the road to Skye

Glasgow / Glaschu

Today I’m in Glasgow, and have been exploring a bit. I’m staying here tonight, then continuing my journey tomorrow to Mallaig, then to the Isle of Skye, where I’ll be doing a course in Scottish Gaelic songs from the Isle of Lewis at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the Gaelic college.

This is the 6th time I’ve done a course there. I always enjoy it, learn lots of songs, get to speak Gaelic, and other languages, and meet some interesting people.

I plan to make the next episode of my podcast about Scottish Gaelic, and hope to interview a few people at the college for it.

I’m looking forward to the train ride from Glasgow to Mallaig along the West Highland Line tomorrow – the scenery is wonderful, and includes the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which appears in one of the Harry Potter films.

West Highland Line / Rathad Iarainn nan Eilean

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