Aonbheannaigh / Uncyrn

Ar an mbus go Gleann Cholm Cille, bhuail mé le buachaill as Baile Átha Cliath agus rinne muid comhrá faoi gach cineál seafóid. Dúirt sé liom go raibh sé ag caint le turasóirí o Meiriceá uair amháin agus dúirt sé leo go bhfuil aonbheannaigh agus leipreachain i nDún na nGall. Chreid siad go bhfuil aonbheannaigh ann, ach ní thug siad isteach go bhfuil leipreachain ann, go dúirt sé leo “Is mise ceathrú leipreachán”!

Ar y bws i Gleann Cholm Cille, mi gwrddais â llanc o Ddulyn a sgwrison ni am llawer o bethau lol. Mi ddywedodd e oedd e’n sgwrsio gyda twristiaid o’r Unol Daliethiau unwaith a dywedodd e bod uncyrn a leprechaun yn Donegal. Mi goelion nhw mewn yr uncyrn, ond na goelion nhw bod leprechaun yn bodoli, hyd y ddywedodd e, “chwarter leprechaun ydw i”!

On the bus to Glencolmcille I met a lad from Dublin and we chatted about all sorts of nonsense. He told me that he was talking to some American tourist one time and told them that there are unicorns and leprechauns in Dongel. They believed in the unicorns, but not in the leprechauns, until he mentioned that he himself quarter leprechaun!

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