Sbectol a chrempogau

Ddydd Gwener es i i’r optegwr am brawf llygaid a darganfodais bod ngolwg wedi gwella ychydig. Felly dw i’n gorfod sbectol newyd – nid peth rhad yw sbectol, yn arbennig y lensiau, ond does dim dewis ‘da fi. O’n i’n bwriadu prynu gitâr clasurol yr wythnos hon; bellach bydda i’n gwneud hyn yr wythnos nesaf.

Nos Fawrth es i i barti crempog – mae un o’r nghyfaill yn trefnu partïon crempog bob blwyddyn ers talwryn yn ei weithdy ger yr amgueddfa bysgota. Roedd llawer o fwyd blasus a phobl dyddorol yno ac mwynheuais yn fawr.

Spéaclaí agus pancóige

Dé hAoine chuaigh chuig an radharceolaí agus fuair mé tástáil radhairc. Fuair mé amach go bhfuil feabhas ar mo radharc na súl agus tá orm spéaclaí nua a cheannach – níl rud saor atá spéaclaí, go hairithe na lionsaí, ach níl rogha agam. Bhí rún agam giotár clasaiceach a cheannach; anois beidh mé sin a dhéanamh an seachtaine seo chugainn.

Oíche Mháirt chuaigh mé chuig coisir pancóg – bíonn aon de mo chairde coisir a choinnigh ina cheardlann in aice leis iarsmalann na hiascaireachta gach bliana le blianta anuas. Bhí go leor bia blasta agus daoine suimiúla ann agus bhain mé an sult as.

Specs and pancakes

On Friday I went to the optician for an eye test and discovered that my sight has improved somewhat. So I need new specs – there’s not cheap, especially the lenses, but I don’t have a choice. I was planning to buy a classical guitar this week, but will probably wait till next week now.

I went to a pancake party on Tuesday night – one of my friends has been putting on such parties every year for quite a few years in his workshop down by the fishing museum on the seafront. There was loads of great food and interesting people there, and I had a great time.

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