Les mots de la semaine

français English Cymraeg Brezhoneg
la surabondance superfluity gormodedd gourfaoter
superflu superfluous gormodol didal; diouverus
le pari a bet bet; mentro arian pariadenn
parier to bet betio; mentro; chwarae hap pariañ
les futilités; les bagatelles trivia pethau dibwys/diwerth raneoù
la dune de sable sand dune twyn tywod tevenn (traezh)
le gage pawn (in chess) gwerinwr gouestl
le paon [pɑ̃] peacock paun paun
la paonne [pan] peahen peunes paunez
la pantoufle slipper sliper; llopan; esgid nos pañtoufl
pantoufler to switch from civil servant to the private sector   luduenniñ
pantouflard stay-at-home cartrefol; diantur; difenter ludu
se relaxer to chill out ymlacio dibrezañ; dizalc’hen
le soap; le feuilleton soap opera sioe sebon; opera sebon heuliadenn
tour à tour alternately bob yn ail a bep eil
l’échange exchange cyfnewid eskemm
intermédiaire go-between canolwr hanterour
le relais; l’auberge hotel, inn llety, gwesti leti; ostaleri
le relais (electronic) relay relái relae

2 thoughts on “Les mots de la semaine

  1. I feel you’ve attempted to pack a little too much into the line beginning “le relais”, Simon! It’s notoriously difficult, I know, to make words in different languages line up in precise one-to-one correspondences, but here’s one attempt to “unpack” those items:

    B ……………… C ……………… E ……………… F
    a bep eil …….. bob yn ail …… alternately …… tour à tour
    eskemm ……. cyfnewid …….. exchange ……. échange
    hanterour …… canolwr ………. go-between …. intermédiaire
    leti, ostaleri … llety, gwesti …. hotel, inn ……. relais, auberge
    relae …………. relái …………… relay …………. relais

    (The last line is, of course “relay” in the technical, electronic sense.)

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