Amrhán nua

Seo amrhán nua a scríobh mé le déanaí. Meascán de focail a rinne mé suas, agus focail ó chanúint Shealtainn atá ann. Níl ach píosa spraoi ata ann. Rinne mé iarracht a bheith ag canadh le blas Albanaigh, ach ní féídir liom a bheith ag canadh le blas Shealtainn go fóill, ar an drochuair. Sa taifeadadh seo tá mé tionlacan mé féin ar an ukulele. B’fhéidir cuirfidh mé uirlisí eile leis chomh maith.

Here’s a song I wrote recently that consists of a mixture of made-up words and words from Shetland dialect. It’s just a bit of fun. I tried to sing in a Scottish accent, but can’t yet sing in a Shetland accent, unfortunately. On this recording I accompany myself on the ukulele. I may add other instruments to the recording as well.

Plinkin Plookplooks
When the plookplooks are a plinkin upon their peerie goos
And the baagies are a birlin in their muckle shoes
Beware the mirdin owld masgooms and the oolin mooratoogs
For they will snorf your scobbins, and then slunk doon in the snoob

So put on your zamblated zoot hat and your flartled overflude
And then you’ll feel richt flimpsome and ready for a plood
If the nories are a nigglin, just smeeg and steek your lugs
And then you can outlapple all their wenglit wugs.

If your peerie tings are tussin, don’t twartle like a trow
Just twig and snorf some tabnab, then a twasperin you’ll go
When it’s time for tammie-noddie, they’ll troke and tresh aboot
But just let them trointle truely, and then they’ll tarpool oot.

Cad é a chiallaíonn na focail? What do the words mean?
– plook = goirín – pimple
– plink = seinn ar uirlis téád – to play a string instrument
– peeire = beag – small
– goo = saghas lir boghach le dhá téad – a type of bowed lyre with two strings (usually written gue, gu or gju)
– baagie = droimneach mór – great black-backed gull (Larus marinus)
– birl = bheith ag guairneáil go tapaigh – to whirl rapidly
– muckle = mór – big
– mirdin = bheith lom lán (le) – teeming
– owld = sean – old
– masgoom = bráthair – monkfish
– ool = bheith i ndroim dubhach – to mope
– mooratoog = seangán – ant
– scobbins = brachán nó gránach greamaithe den scilléad – porridge/cereal stuck to the pan, scrappings from the pan
– norie = puifín – puffin
– nigg = tabhair amach do – to nag
– smeeg = seitgháire a dhéanamh – to smirk
– steek = druid = to shut
– lug = cluas – ear
– wenglit = ard – tall
– peerie tings = páistí – children
– tuss = bladair; bheith ag monahbar – to cajole; to murmur
– twartle = béaghnaigh – to contradict
– trow = troll
– twig = tuig – to understand
– tabnab = sneaic milis – sweet snack
– twasper = dul ar cosa in airde – to gallop
– tammie-noddie = codladh – sleep
– troke = margáil a dhéanamh – to bargain
– tresh = iomlaisc – to thrash
– trointle = bheith ag monabhar; ceasnaigh – to mutter; to grumble

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