
Maidin inniu tháinig daoine chun an scafall a thógáil anuas as an díon. Ba cheart dóibh ag teacht an tseachtain seo caite, ach bhí siad ro-ghnóthach. D’íoc mé an íocaíocht deireanach as na painéil gréine, agus a sheol mé na doiciméid go léir chun an chóras a chlárú. I ndiaidh cúpla mí beidh mé an chéad íocaíocht don leictreachas a fháil. Anocht tá mé ag dul chun an sorcas nofitstate, agus tá mé ag súil go mór leis.

This morning the guys came to take down the scaffolding from the roof. They should have come last week, but were too busy. I paid the final payment for the solar panels, and sent all the documents off to register the system. In a couple of months I’ll receive the first payment for the electricity. Tonight I’m going to the nofitstate circus, and am looking forward to it.

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