Sorcas (2)

Cailín ar mhaide luascáin

Bhí an sorcas go hiontach aréir. Bhí slua mór ann agus bhog muid timpeall an ollphuball chun na gníomhartha éagsúla a fheiceáil. Bhí gníomhartha le maide luascáin, le cordes lisse (rópaí réidh) agus le trampailín, agus rinne ceann de na haisteoirí lámhchleasaíocht le liathróidí preabadh. Mar go ndéanaimse lámhchleasaiocht le blianta fada, bhí ciall agam dó a chuid scileanna. Bhí ceol beo ann an t-am ar fad chomh maith. Ag deireadh an seó, thit sneachta saorga ó dhíon agus cailín ar mhaide luascáin ag casadh tríd.

The circus was great last night. There were many people there and we moved about in the big top to see the different acts. There were acts involving trapezes, cordes lisse and trampolines, and of the performers did some floor juggling. As I’ve been juggling for many year I could appreciate his skill. There was also live music the whole time. At the end of the show artificial snow fell from the roof while a lass on a trapeze span through it.

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