Ooylyn as smeir

Tra va mee ersooyl yn çhiaghtyn shoh chaie huitt cooid vooar ooylyn neose voish y billey ooyl ayns my gharrey. Jea Ren mee cooidjaghey ny troaryn lhieggit shoh fy yerrey, as ren mee cooidhaghey smeir chammah, as ren mee broit ad ry-cheilley lesh beggan dy vill. Ta mee gee y mestey-vestey ard-vlastal shoh ry dagh lhonghey. S’mie lhiam dy feer yn imbagh shoh jeh’n vlein er yn oyr dy vel ram mess seyr ry-gheddyn.

While I was away quite a few apples from the apple tree in my garden fell down. Yesterday I finally gathered up these windfalls, and also picked some blackberries, and I stewed them together with a little honey. I’m eating this delicious concoction with every meal. I really like this time of year because there is so much free fruit about.

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