Dydd llawn cerddoriaeth

Y bore ‘ma mi wnes i canu recorders efo cyfeillion yn nhŷ haf un o aelodau y grŵp. Ar ôl cinio mi wnes canu yn y Côr MS, grŵp o bobl sy’n codi arian ar gyfer Cymdeithas y Parlys Ymledol Gogledd Cymru. Mae rhai o aelodau y côr ‘ma yn canu yn y Côr Cymuned Bangor hefyd, ac mi wnaethon nhw annog fi i ymuno â’r Côr MS yr wythnos ‘ma. Dw i’n wrth fy modd cael unrhyw gyfle i ganu, felly mi wnes i mwynhau canu efo nhw yn fawr. Gyda’r nos mi es i i gyngerdd yn y prifysgol efo Alejandro Toledo and the Magic Tombolinos, band â’i lleoliad yn Llundain efo aelodau o’r Ariannin, o Israel, o Groatia ac o Loegr sy’n canu cymysgedd o gerddoriaeth sipsi o Ddwyrain Ewrop, cerddoriaeth clasurol a cherddoriaeth roc a phop, ac sy’n canu am filiwn milltir yr awr. Cyngerdd gwych ydoedd.

This morning I played recorders with friends in the summer house of one of the members of the group. After lunch I sang in the MS Choir, a group of people who raise money for the North Wales Multiple Sclerosis Society. Some of the member of this choir also sing in the Bangor Community Choir, and they persuaded me to join the MS Choir this week. I am delighted to have any opportunity to sing, so I really enjoyed singing with them. In the evening I went to a concert at the university featuring Alejandro Toledo and the Magic Tombolinos, a London-based band with members from Argentina, Israel, Croatia and England who play a mixture of music from Eastern European Roma people, as well as classical, rock and pop music, and they play at a million miles an hour. It was a great concert.

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