Ffrangeg a Iwcailis

Ro’n i’n ar fin mynd i’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg heno pan ges i neges testun o’r hogyn sy’n rhedeg y grŵp iwcalili yn gofyn i mi i helpu efo gwers iwcalili yn y prifysgol. Felly es i yno ac mi wnes i helpu tipyn bach. Roedd y gwers yn Siamber Cyngor y prifysgol – ystafell grand iawn. Ar ôl hynny mi aethon ni i’r tafarn Groegeg lle mi wnaethon ni parhau i ganu a sgwrsio. Dydy’r grŵp mewn trefn da ar hyn o bryd, ond mi wnaethon ni mwynhau beth bynnag.

I was about to go to the French conversation group tonight when I got a text from the lad who runs the ukulele group asking for help with a ukulele lesson in the university. So I went there and helped a bit. The lesson was in the university’s Council Chamber – a rather fine room. After that we went to the Greek and continued to play, sing and chat. The group isn’t very well organized at the moment, but we enjoyed it anyway.

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