Grawnwin Digofaint

Heddiw mi wnes tipyn bach o waith a mi wnes canu’r gitâr, y piano a’r chwiban tun. Heno mi wnes i i’r prifygsol i weld y fflim ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ o 1940. Dw i ddim ‘di darllen y llyfr, a dyma’r tro cyntaf i mi gweld y ffilm. Roedd yn ddiddorol ac yn drist, ac mae llawer o’r trafferion yn y stori yn dal i fodoli heddiw.

Today I did some work and played the guitar, piano and tin whistle. Tonight I went to the university to see the film ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ from 1940. I haven’t read the book, and this was the first time I’ve seen the film. It was interesting and sad, and many of the problems in the story are with us today.

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