Clwb Iwcwlili

Roedd pedwar ohonon ni yn y clwb iwcwlili heno – tri myfyrwyr a fi. Mae myfyrwr, o Loegr, yn medru canu’r iwc yn dda, ac mae dau arall, o Tsieina, wedi dechrau canu’r iwc yr wythnos diwethaf. Mi wnaethon ni canu caneuon eithaf syml dan ni i gyd yn gwybod heb gormod o gordiau. Roedd y grŵp iwc yn cyfarfod un waith yr wythnos, ond mi wnes i awgrymu cyfarfod arall ar nos Lun ar gyfer y rhai sy methu dod ar nos Iau, ac ar gyfer y rhai sy’n eisiau canu iwcs dwy waith yr wythnos.

There were four of us in the ukulele club tonight – three students and me. One student, from England, can play the uke well, and two others, from China, started playing the uke last week. We played fairly simple songs that we all know without too many chords. The group was meeting once a week, but I suggested another meeting on Monday nights for those who can’t come on Thursday nights, and for those who want to play ukes twice a week.

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