Word of the day – bleachtaire

bleachtaire, noun = detective
bleachtaireacht, noun = detecting
úrscéal bleachtaireachta = detective novel

Is maith liom fuaim an fhocal seo, agus sin é an fáth a phioc mé é. Ina theannta sin, faoi láthair táim ag léamh úrscéal bleachtaireachta don fhoghlaimeoir fásta, Triblóid le Colmán Ó Drisceoil.

I chose this word because I just like the sound of it, and also because I’m reading a detective novel in Irish at the moment: Triblóid by Colmán Ó Drisceoil. It’s a short novel written especially for learners of Irish.

4 thoughts on “Word of the day – bleachtaire

  1. I would like to say what a great fan of Omniglot I am. I check every week for new postings.
    I have one general comment that has always botherd me when it comes to Irish. In books written in English, when an Irish word is used like the name of a person or organization or place, the pronounciation is rarely if ever given. The letter combinations produce markedly differnt sounds then in English.
    I wish, like Russian, the pronounciation would follow Irish words.
    I know that is not done for German or French, but those letters are similar enough to our own or the “sound” of those langauges is familiar so you can approximate the correct pronounciations.
    Just a comment.

  2. If you click on these Irish words, or any of the other words of the day, you can hear how to pronounce them.

    The lack of information about the pronunciation of Irish could be due to the lack of knowledge about the language.

  3. It’s been a while since I sat in an Irish class, but I think you’ll find this is more correct! Just a few small things, but thought you might be interested…

    Is maith liom fuaim an fhocal seo, agus sin é an fáth a phioc mé é. Ina theannta sin, faoi láthair táim ag léamh úrscéal bleachtaireachta don fhoghlaimeoir fásta, Triblóid le Colmán Ó Drisceoil.

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