
The Dutch word, slaapverwekkend, means mind-numbing, sleep-inducing or soporific. It comes from a site I found today – Dutch word of the day, which looks like a useful resource for learners of Dutch.

The site discusses a different Dutch word each day; provides details of their pronunciation, including recordings, as well as examples and related words. Elsewhere on the site you can find information about Dutch pronunciation, declining adjectives (no, I won’t take that adjective!), and other useful tips for learners. Not slaapverwekkend at all!

2 thoughts on “Slaapverwekkend

  1. Kind of an amusing term, seeing that the “verwekkend” part derives from “wekken” (awake)! Sleep-awakening, you say…

  2. Well Christopher, the Dutch verb “wekken” is indeed “to wake up” :(a)wake, (a)waken, (a)rouse and also: to raise (suspicion, hopes, the dead); to excite (wonder, interest); to call up; to evoke; to stir (memories); to provoke (curiosity); to challence (admiration); to engender (suspicion); to cause and to create (surprise, impression); to prompt (a thought).
    The verb: “verwekken” has a meaning of to beget; to procreate (children); to produce (laughter); to inspire (fear); to raise (a tumult, a storm, a riot, a laugh, protests; to rouse (anger, indigation) to induce (sleep); stir up (a siot, sedition); to cause (discontent); to create (disorder, thirst, a sensation) to provoke (jealousy).

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