Gargalesthesia, gongoozler and misodoctakleidism

Here are a few unusual and interesting words that I came across today on this page that I thought I’d share with you.

gargalesthesia [ˈgɑːɡəlɪsθiːzɪə] – the sensation caused by tickling, from the Greek gargalos (itching) + esthesia. A medical term that also exists in French (gargalésie). The word gargalos also means bottleneck in Portuguese. Related words include gargalesis (heavy tickling) and knismesis (light tickling).

ginglyform [ˈɡɪŋɡlɪfɔːm] – hinge-shaped, from the Greek ginglumos (a hinge). A medical term used to refer to types of joints such as knee and elbow joints. Related words include ginglymus (a hinge joint), and ginglymoid (a hinge-like movement). [Source]

gongoozler [ɡɒnˈguːzlə] – an idle spectator, especially one who enjoys idly watching activity on canals. It is thought to come from canal workers’ slang, possibly from the Lincolnshire dialect words gawn and gooze, which both mean to stare or gape [source]

misodoctakleidist – someone who hates practising the piano [I can’t find any more information about this word]

mytacism [miːˈtəsɪzˌəm]- excessive use of or fondness for, or incorrect use of the letter M and the sound it represents [source]. Another definition of this medical term is “stammering in which the letter M is frequently substituted for other consonants.” [source].

When I come across lists of words like this I find it interesting to check the usage and etymology of the words – they are often obscure medical terms from Greek that are rarely if ever heard in everyday conversation, but are interesting nonetheless.

4 thoughts on “Gargalesthesia, gongoozler and misodoctakleidism

  1. I have a rather silly phonetics question about the pronunciation of gargalesthesia. You say it should be pronounced [ˈgɑːɡəlɪsθiːzɪə], but I don’t see how it’s possible to pronounce the [θ] right after the [s]. Shouldn’t it be [ˈgɑːɡəlɪstiːzɪə] instead?

  2. Caenwyr – if you break it down into syllables like this: [ˈgɑː.ɡəl.ɪs.θiː.zɪə] it should be possible to pronounce the [θ] right after the [s].

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