
Recently I was offered a free trial of a new online language course called Balingua, the author of which promises that you can learn a language quickly and well using the techniques he has developed. Apparently you can acquire basic oral proficiency in a new language in 30 hours, and the course “relies on the specific cognitive processes used in language learning and not on the grammatical or lexical traits of a language.”

The languages currently available with Balingua are English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Japanese, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. The only languages on this list I haven’t studied yet are Dutch and Lithuanian, and I was thinking of learning some Dutch.

At the moment, however, I’m trying to improve/maintain my knowledge of ten languages, and am focusing particularly on Welsh and Irish. Perhaps it’s not the best time for me to start learning yet another language, much as I’d like to. So I’ve decided not to take up the free trial.

Would any of you like to have a go at this revolutionary new language learning method?

If you would, please send me an email to the usual address and let me know which language you’d like to study by Friday of this week. If I receive more than one email, I’ll put your names into a hat then draw one out.

The lucky winner will get a free trial course in their chosen language. All they need to do is blog about the course, and give any feedback they have to Balingua.

8 thoughts on “Balingua

  1. Please, count on me! Although I would rather like to study German, I need most Brazilian-Portuguese.

  2. And the winner is … Paula. Congratulations! I’ll send you the log in details by email.

    By the way, I did actually put all the names into a hat and asked one of my neighbours to draw one out, just to make it fair.

  3. Thanks, Simon
    Thanks, David

    I am really glad to have won and ready to make most of it now that my Brazilian guests have done away – time to turn Portuguese off and decide. I think I will go for Spanish because it would be more useful – but man, I love French!

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