6 thoughts on “Where in the world?

  1. My guess is that the city is Montreal, Quebec, Canada. If my guess is right, then the official languages spoken there are French and English, although many others are heard as well.

  2. I don’t know which city is, but it is realy Canada. French, English and Inuktituk are the main lnguages.

  3. That’s Montreal! The domed building in front is the hôtel de ville. Which means English and French (and Franglais) are the main languages. (I wouldn’t call Inuktituk a “main” language.)

  4. I had one look at it, and I could see all the French architecture. Though I knew it wasn’t Paris, so I’m going to say Montreal too. And the Language spoken there are French and English.

  5. Finally, one I know. It’s definitely Montréal, the Vieux Port just east of Place Jacques Cartier, looking toward downtown. French and English are the primary languages with immigrant populations speaking Greek, Italian, Chinese, and Arabic, among other languages.

  6. It is indeed Montreal / Montréal, and the main languages spoken there are French and English. Other languages spoken there include Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Greek, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Vietnamese and Polish.

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