Office Speak / Béarlagair na hOifige

Today I found a useful site that has Irish versions of some popular phrases used in offices, some of which are words of wisdom from that great leader, David Brent of the BBC comedy series, The Office.

Here are a few examples:

Mura n’éiríonn leat an chéad uair, faigh réidh leis an bhfianaise go ndearna tú aon iarracht.
If at first you don’t succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.

Ní botún é, is deis foghlama é
Its not a mistake, it’s a good learn

Éirim tuirseach den obair go héasca, mar sin caithfidh post m’aird a tharraingt
I get bored easily so a job really needs to keep my interest

Bíodh a fhios agat cad iad do chuid teorainneacha agus bí sásta leo. Ciallaíonn barraíocht uaillmhianta ardú céime chuig post nach mbeidh tú in ann aige.
Know your limitations and be content with them. Too much ambition results in promotion to a job you can’t do.

Chlis an tiomantán crua agus chaill mé mo chuid teachtaireachtaí ríomhphoist go léir
The hard drive crashed and I lost all my emails

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