Name the language

Here’s a sample text in a conlang. Can you work out which language it is and which languages it’s based on?

Si lla der goninew gwollar, lleman tra’ll yspeid, e’ll noeth cadd e’ll diwrn rhump di’n der a’n der, gwan sewenir-nu’ll pobl – ychweilan, dorfen, nascen, e foren – yn mun, yn ddynaldad. Gwan di gi i mheg.

6 thoughts on “Name the language

  1. It can be a bit of a surprise when your own work ends up staring back at you from someone else’s RSS Feed. I can even read it without looking up the text!

  2. It is indeed Brithenig, which is based on Latin, Welsh, Old Celtic and English.

    The text means:

    As the earth turns, spinning through space, and the night falls and the day breaks from land to land, let us remember the people – waking, sleeping, being born and dying – one world, one humanity. Let us go from here in peace.

    A Comroig Blessing.

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