Too much time?

Before finding my current job, I spent almost a year searching for work while staying with my parents. During that time, I had great plans to learn languages, the guitar, and various other things. I did manage to acquire a basic knowledge of Welsh and Esperanto, but rushed through the courses with the aim of finishing them, rather than trying to learn the languages as thoroughly as possible. My efforts to learn the guitar didn’t come to much – I learnt a few chords and tunes, but soon got out of the habit of practising regularly. I found myself putting things off, knowing that I could do them later. In the end, I ended up doing not very much. It was as if I had too much time.

A couple of weeks ago, I started learning the guitar again. This time I’m having a lesson once a week, am practising every day, and am trying to learn as much as possible on my own. Finding time to practise the guitar, to study languages, and for all my other hobbies, doesn’t seem to be a problem, even though my spare time is limited.

9 thoughts on “Too much time?

  1. I’ve noticed that I do less on vacation than I do while working. I’ve read more books during busy periods at work than when things are more relaxed.

    My left hand fingertips are getting calloused and hurt a little. But, I’m getting those chords down!





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  3. Thomas – I’m learning the acoustic guitar and am most interested in playing folk and traditional music from the British Isles and Ireland.

  4. ha yes, the great “mystery” of the fact that the more time you have the less you do, unless you are very, very disciplined, and, in effect, make yourself busy when you don´t have to be.

    I´m working out my study fior next year. I have to teach one course in the first semester and a half semester course in the second half of the year. But apart from that I can learn stuff: I´m probably going to relearn my Latin (in Spanish) and do a course on essay writing in one of the universities here in the first semester. I´m trying to decide if I should start Portuguese that semester too, or leave it for August onwards, when I will also plan to be taking a course on Cervantes and “the history of words” as well as Latin II and Spanish writing II. Oh, and I think that I should re-read Plato and Aristotle and the pre-nicene church fathers, but this time in Spanish and get some serious study of contemporary Roman Catholic theology done.

    And I was going to learn the saxofone at some point (I used to be a pro flute player so it´s like a related language…)

    I need to prioritise and work out what´s realistic. 😉

  5. Since I’m learning French and trying to keep up my German and Chinese, would it be too much of a distraction to begin Greek too, especially since I’ve won awards for bad time management?

  6. I found that too when I was on ERASMUS. There were student strikes and ethnic riots so college was mostly cancelled so I had so much free time but I didn’t get much done. Now that I am abroad working for the first time as a teacher and trying to get used to a new country I find I get much more done. Human are strange. 🙂

  7. When I started learning guitar, I had a very good professor who made me write down the time I spent playing it every day. I learnt very quickly in six months.
    Yes, you have to be constant and use those minutes that are wasted every day…

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