4 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Happy New Year!! 🙂

    I am guessing it is a Finno-Uralic language but not Finnish or Sámi.

    The first and the last lines sounds so close to the Estonian:

    Püha öö, õnnistud öö!

    laulgem halleluuja!

    but the rest doesn’t.


    Please tell! 🙂

  2. It is Estonian and I think it’s the last verse:

    Püha öö, õnnistud öö,
    kes sa meil ilmutand
    Isa armu, mis õnnistust toob,
    rahupõlve maailmale loob
    Laulgem Halleluuja!
    Laulgem Halleluuja!

    See also: here

  3. Thanks Simon. It’s kind of weird because listening to the recording even my Estonian girlfriend had difficulty recognising it was Estonian (apart from the first and last lines which I mentioned).

    Hope the new year is off to a good start for you.

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