9 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Certainly sounds Slavic, although I have to say that in the first seconds where there was a lot of echoing, I thought it could be a tonal Native American language. It sounds like they recorded this in a steel bulkhead.

  2. At the end of the recording, at least, there seems to be a Slavonic touch to this language. But then, I can’t think of a Slavonic language that hasn’t delivered better recordings than that.
    Maybe it proves to be a Caucasian language somewhat influenced by Russian.

  3. No specific guess on the language, but I agree it’s tonal, it probably is Native American, and “Napa” sounds like a loanword, and that’s in Northern California.

  4. Oh, what the heck: I’ll guess Kashaya aka Southwestern Pomo, based on online searching for something that fit the above clues.

  5. Definitely sounds like something from the Caucasus to me. I admit that it could also possibly be something from central Asia, perhaps a Mongol or related language. It doesn’t seem to be North or South American to my ear, though.

  6. Oh well then. I was just getting tired of only being able to offer a guess about the continent. 🙂

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