4 thoughts on “Ancient Chinese characters

  1. The video is just amazing!

    kinda hard to follow the characters on the right when they appear and the main cartoon… so I decided to leave the characters and follow the cartoon story 🙂

  2. I have this on a VCD I bought from China via eBay a couple years back. (The selling point was a well-done cartoon about 3 monks, entirely accented by erhu, flute and percussion… The best erhu playing can bring out the sounds of birds, water, even raw emotion, both happy and sad.)


  3. I loved that video! I don’t get a word of the text but the animation of the characters (and the fact that they show the modern characters too) makes it a very interesting cartoon!

  4. Penkyamp special character input software

    Hello, Simon Ager: I am a developer of Cantonese Penkyamp educational materials.
    I got some exciting news here: an Input software that can speedily input Penkyamp special characters (Latin vowels and vocal consonants with diacritics) has been developed by Foxs, and is ready for download on various sites, including some Chinese language forums. It’d be a bonus if you understand some Chinese.

    Here are the links:


    * 想同你通報一聲, 廣東話拼音帶調號字母文字輸入軟件已經于廣州被研制成功.
    * 有关讨论 http://www.gophor.com/cjkv/read.php?tid=9270&page=1&toread=1
    * 最新讨论及软件下载:
    o http://penkyamp.pbwiki.com/Seuyap+Gonkgoy+Foxs
    o http://www.gophor.com/cjkv/read.php?tid=9330&page=1
    o http://www.somdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=3194&page=2&extra=page%3D1#pid12089
    o http://www.emus.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=8856&page=1&extra=#pid34824
    o http://www.salars.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1777
    o http://fujian.qq.topzj.com/thread-403764-1-1.html
    o http://www.gzee.net/viewthread.php?tid=2728&extra=page%3D1&page=2
    o https://free.twforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92527
    o http://www.tuerqi.info/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1030&page=2#pid38423

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