9 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I would guess that it’s Kurdish, mostly spoken in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. Could be another Iranic language however; such as Dari, Tajik, Pashto or even something more obscure like Luri.

  2. Dwi’n credu Manaweg mae rhyw flas Gwyddelig arno fe rhyw sut, A’i iaith Goidel yw e neu beth?


  3. Adam – nid iaith Celtaidd ydy hi.

    AR got it -the language is indeed Ossetianian (ирон æвзаг / дигорон æвзаг), an Iranian langauge spoken mainly in Ossetia, a region that is partly in Russia and partly in Georgia.

    The recording is of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and was made by Taymuraz Zaseev.

    Here’s the Ossetian text:
    Адӕймӕгтӕ се ‘ппӕт дӕр райгуырынц сӕрибарӕй ӕмӕ ӕмхуызонӕй сӕ барты. Уыдон ӕххӕст сты зонд ӕмӕ намысӕй, ӕмӕ кӕрӕдзийӕн хъуамӕ уой ӕфсымӕрты хуызӕн.

  4. Well done guys! I was off by a thousand miles! I remember reading that persian was the most beautiful language on earth, I think that it was in the memoirs of the pirate Trelawney, who was a friend of Shelley.

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