Word of the day – nimhneach

nimhneach, adjective = painful, sore, (person) touchy, spiteful

Examples of usage
Tá sceadamán nimhneach orm = I have a sore throat
Tá droim nimhneach air = He has a sore back
Tá bolg nimhneach uirthi = She has a stomach-ache

Related words
nimh, noun = poison, venom
nimheadas, noun = antagonism, spitefulness
nimheanta, adjective = poisonous, spiteful
nimhigh, verb = to poison
nimhíoc, noun = antidote
nimhiú, noun = poisoning – nimhiú bia = blood food poisoning
nimhiúil, adjective = poisonous

This word came up in one of the Irish lessons I listened today and I really like it’s sound.

4 thoughts on “Word of the day – nimhneach

  1. In school we were always taught that scornach was throat. Not really sure what the difference between that and sceadamán could be.

  2. My dictionary gives both words for throat. I think sceadamán might be an Ulster word – one of the courses I’ve been using, Now You’re Talking, concentrates on the Ulster dialect.

  3. Yes, scornach is the Standard Irish for throath. Ulster is not really included simply becasue it is not in the Republic.

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