6 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Quenya, spoken somewhere beyond the Western Sea?

    I’m pretty sure I recognise the -llo directional ending and some other characteristic Quenya word shapes: undome, morniello, sinye, ar ciltuvas etc., not to mention Eru “The One”.

    Hmm. Beginning verses of Genesis, perhaps, what with all the “Ar Eru…”?

    Yup — just found it online. She pronounces it quite well!

  2. Some of it sounded vaguely Finnish but I knew it wasn’t that or Estonian; that would have been too easy. The “prettiness” of it reminded me of an Elvish language, but I couldn’t remember the name “Quenya” to save my life.

  3. At the beginning I thought it might be Hungarian, but then I realized it’s not. Then it started to sound like one of the languages by Tolkien, but I don’t know them enough to recognize them. I tried googling some of the words but that brought up nothing. Then I read Chris Miller’s comment, and took his word for it.

    When I knew it was Quenya, I consulted an online dictionary, and found out some of the words. Then I googled again, and found this: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Quenya/Texts_in_Quenya/I_Yessess%C3%AB

    It is indeed the first eight verses of Genesis. There is also a page where the translator comments on the translation: http://folk.uib.no/hnohf/yessesse.htm

    The pronunciation is quite nice, but she tends to lengthen some of the short vowels.

  4. The answer is indeed Quenya, one of the Elvish languages invented by J.R.R. Tolkien which is spoken in Eldamar in Middle-earth, and by some fans of Tolkien’s work.

    The recording comes from YouTube.

  5. Good job Tolkien on imitating the sound of Finnish, though I knew it couldn’t be!

    I should have realized isn’t was Genesis from the poetic structure.

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