11 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I;m tempted to say it’s a Portuguese creole, but I could be entirely wrong.

  2. I’m pretty sure you’re wrong, but that’s about as precise I want to be. Simon, a hint please!

  3. From the sound of it, I would guess it to be from somewhere in or around the western Indian Ocean. But as to which continent, and which language family it belongs to, I’m clueless.

    I can’t hear anything remotely Portuguese in there. Some vowel sounds resemble Tamil to my ear, but some bits sound more African.

  4. An uninformed guess, but I’m going to say something Micronesian.

    As an aside, and maybe a coincidence, but I distinctly hear the English words “over the water” spoken very deliberately right in the middle of the recording. ?

  5. I think it’s a South American language, too. (I probably won’t have time to determine anything more than that. If my vague impression from listening to it once is right).

  6. OK, I take my South American guess back. I actually am leaning more towards Indonesia and thereabouts. I hear the word “Noe” in there, so I’m sure there’s at least some Portuguese influence….I’m not expecting to be right this time :-/

  7. I withdraw my American guess. Now I’m thinking Austronesian but not having much luck pinning it down further.

  8. I’ve been thinking of all of the above too. I’ve tried to transcribe it and google phrases, which has worked a couple of times before, but no luck. It’s weird. But I really like the sound of it.

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