Couchsurfing and languages

Last week when looking for people in Bangor to practise my languages with I found mention of a polyglot conversation group on I’m not sure if it’s still going, but after looking around the site I thought I’d register. A few days later I got a couch request for this coming weekend from some Breton-speaking students who are currently studying Celtic Studies in Aberystwyth. So I decided to learn some more Breton this week. I’m using Colloquial Breton, doing a little every day, and listening to Radio Breizh.

I’ve heard about others using couchsurfing to find people to practise languages with, but haven’t tried it myself yet. It looks like a good way to do so. Have you used it to find in this way?

One thought on “Couchsurfing and languages

  1. My family had a girl staying with us from Germany. She was studying at the local university, and often toured around our province (I’m in Canada) finding places to stay through couch surfers. She could continue to practice her English that way, even when she wasn’t with us. So even though I haven’t used it, I know someone who has and who found it useful — not to mention all the people you meet!

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