5 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Definitely a Malayo-Polynesian language from the Indonesian archipelago but not Indonesian/Malay or Javanese.

    I’d go for Minangkabau or one of the Batak languages.

  2. I’m in Indonesia too. It’s a religious text, probably another GRN recording, but there are terms of both Sanskrit and Perso-Arabic origin. Beyond that I’m blank, but since a faint attempt at googling turned up a map of Sulawesi and a link containing the word Ugi, I’ll say Buginese.

  3. Hey, two in a row! I don’t think I’ve done that before. But then, it’s been years since last time I got anything useful from trying to write down a sequence and run it through Google.

  4. I thought Bugis at first but was a bit thrown by ‘keluarga’ (family), definitely a Malay word but one that has a syllable-final consonant that isn’t allowed in native Bugis words. Obviously a loan, and with that outof the way, the only thing needed to make sure this was Bugis and not Makassarese w to ste for the cwa vowel that is typical of Bugis but Makassarese doesn’t have.

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