
I handed in my last essay today, so that’s pretty much the end of the taught part of my course and I can now concentrate on my dissertation. It’s a great relief to get all the assignments out of the way after spending what seems like ages on them. Fortunately I don’t have any exams this semester. The course seems to have gone really quickly and I’ve learned a lot of interesting and useful things. The areas I’ve found most interesting have been phonetics, bilingualism and speech and language disorders.

I plan to spend the last two weeks of June on the Isle of Man gathering information for my dissertation, learning some more Manx, and having a bit of a holiday. The last time I was on the island was about 30 years ago when I went there on a day trip from primary school, and I’m looking forward to going back. I’ve started making contact with a number of Manx speakers and hope to meet as many of them as possible when I’m on the island.

Are there any Manx speakers or learners who read this blog?

Vel Gaelgeyryn erbee lhaih yn blog shoh?

2 thoughts on “Studies

  1. Hi Simon,
    I have been corresponding with Phil Kelly, a fluent Manx speaker, about some Manx lessons he has been making with my program. There are 16 of them now, all with audio:
    I have been using them to learn some of the basics.
    Phil might be a good bloke for you to get in touch with. He used to be the Manx language officer and he is keen to promote Manx.
    Here is his page:
    and here is where he has embedded one of his Manx lessons into his own site using MLN Player:

    Anyway, have a great time.

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