
Words for son in Celtic languages.

My sister and her son (my nephew)
My sister and her son (my nephew)

Proto-Celtic *makʷos [ˈma.kʷos] = son
Primitive Irish ᚋᚐᚊᚔ (maqi), ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ (maqqi), ᚋᚐᚊ (maq), ᚋᚐᚉᚉᚔ (macci) = son
Old Irish (Goídelc) macc [mak] = boy, bond, surety
macc foesma = adoptive son
macc muine = love child
macc raite = illegimate child
macc tíre = wolf (“son of the land”)
Irish (Gaeilge) mac [mˠɑk / mˠaːk / mˠak] = son, descendent, boy
mac dearthár = nephew (brother’s son)
mac deirféar = nephew (sister’s son)
mac mic = grandson (son’s son)
mac iníne = grandson (daughter’s son)
mac uchta = favourite son, pet; adopted son
mac Dé = the Son of God
mac léinn = student (“son of the learning”)
mac rí = prince
mac tíre = wolf (“son of the land”)
macacht = childhood, youthful state
macán = little son, young boy, youngster, pet child
macánta = childlike, gentle, meek, mild; honest
macántacht = boyhood, childhood; gentleness, meekness, mildness; honesty
macaomh = young person, youth, boy
macaomhact = youth, youthfulness; youthful beauty
garmhac = grandson, adopted son, sister’ son
leasmhac = stepson
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mac [maxg] = son, offspring
mac-bràthar = nephew (brother’s son)
mac-peathar = nephew (sister’s son)
mac-céile = stepson
mac-màthar = everyone, every man
mac-mallachd = the Devil
mac an duine = mankind, human being
macail [maxgal] = filial, affectionate
mac Dhé = the Son of God
mac-tìre = wolf (“son of the land”)
Manx (Gaelg) mac = son
mac braarey = nephew (brother’s son)
mac shayrey = nephew (sister’s son)
mac braar ayrey = first cousin (father’s brother’s son)
mac braar mayrey = first cousin (mother’s brother’s son)
oe mac = grandson
lhiass vac = stepson
mac mollaght, mac imshee = devil
Gaulish mapos = son
Proto-Brythonic *mab [ˈmaːb] = son
Old Welsh map = son
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) map = son
Welsh (Cymraeg) mab [maːb] = boy, son, infant, child, minor, youth; descendant; man, male
mab anweddog, mab gwedde = bachelor
mab bedydd = godson
mab caru = lover, suitor
mab cynnwys = adopted son
Mab Duw = the Son of God
mab (y) dyn = man, human being, living soul
mab mam = mother’s son, human being, living soul
mab maeth = foster son, foster child
mab yng nghyfraith = son-in-law, stepson
maban = baby, infant, young child, little boy, young son
Old Cornish mab, map = son
Cornish (Kernewek) mab [ma:b / mæ:b] = son, male child, boy
mab meythrin = foster son
mab wynn = grandson
mab den = humankind
mab an pla = devil, annoying man
maban, meppik = little son
Old Breton map, mab = son
Middle Breton mab = son
Breton (Brezhoneg) mab = son
mab henañ = older son
mab yaouañ = younger son
mab-kaer, mabeg = son-in-law
mab-bihan = grandson
mab-den= son of man
mab-lagad= pupil (of the eye)
mabel = filial

From the Proto-Indo-European *mh₂ḱwos, from *meh₂ḱ- (to raise, grow) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

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