Mysterious Secrets

In this post we’re looking at words for secret and mystery, and related words, in Celtic languages.

Secret words

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *rūnā = secret, mystery, magic
Gaulish Cobrunus = personal name
Leptonic Runatis = personal name
Old Irish (Goídelc) rún [r͈uːn] = mystery, secret
rúnde [ˈr͈uːn͈de] = mysterious, mystical
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) rún, rúun, rúin = something hidden or occult, a mystery, mystic or hidden meaning, a secret, secret thoughts or wishes, intention, purpose, design
Irish (Gaeilge) rún [ɾˠuːnˠ] = mystery, secret, intention, purpose, resolution, love, affection
rúnach = darling, sweetheart; runic, secret, mysterious
rúnaí = secretary, confidant, secretary-bird
rúnchara = confidant(e)
rúnda = mystical, mysterious, secret, confidential
rúndacht = secrecy
rúnmhar = close, secretive
rúnscríbhin = runic script, secret writing, cipher
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) rùn [r̪ˠuːn] = secret, intention, design, resolution, motive, purpose, desire, love
rùnach = secretarial, mysterious, mystical, beloved, runic
rùnag = small secret, dearie, sweetie
rùnaire = secretary
rùinean = small secret, quietly
Manx (Gaelg) roon = confidence, obstinacy, viciousness, malice, spite, resentment, rune
roonagh = stubborn, secret, vindictive, perverse, malicious, malignant, vicious, ill intentioned, runic
Proto-Brythonic *rrin = mystery
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) rin = mystery, charm
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhin [r̥iːn] = secret, mystery, miracle; privacy, intimacy, intercourse; enchanment, magic spell, charm, sorcery, witchcraft, rune; virtue, attribute, property, quality, essence; secret, private, mysterious, occult
rhin(i)af / rhin(i)o = to whisper, speak secretly, charm, enchant, secrete
rhiniwr = charmer, enchanter, sorcerer, magician
rhinaidd = obscure, profound, enchanting
rhinwedd = virtue, rectitude, moral excellence, nature, quality
cyfrin = mysterious, esoteric; mystic, mystery, secret.
cyfrinach = secret, mystery, deliberation
Cornish (Kernewek) rin = mystery
kevrin(ek) = secret
Middle Breton rin = secret, wisdom

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *rewHn-, from *rewH-/*rēwH- (to roar, grumble, murmur, mumble, whisper). The Proto-Germanic word *rūnō (secret, mystery, rune) and related words in modern Germanic languages, including rune in English and Dutch, and runa (rune) in Swedish, possibly come from the same Proto-Celtic root, or from the same PIE root [source].

Proto-Celtic *kowdo- = hiding place, concealment
*koudeti = hide
Proto-Brythonic *kʉðɨd = to hide
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) cud = concealment, covering, hidden
Welsh (Cymraeg) cudd [kɨð/kɪð] = concealment, hiding-place, secrecy, covering, veil; concealed, hidden, dark, hiding
cuddedig = hidden, concealed, unknown, covered,mysterious, secret, dark
cuddfa = hiding-place, retreat, hoard
cuddiad = a hiding, concealment, secret
cuddio = to hide, conceal, bury, cover
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cudhe, cidha, citha, cudhb = to hide, conceal, cover
cudhygyc = one that conceals himself, bashful, ashamed
Cornish (Kernewek) kudh = concealed, hidden, secret
kudha (rag) = to conceal, hide (from)
kudhlen = cover, veil
kudhoberys = underhand
kudhva = hideout, lair
kudhys = veiled
Middle Breton cuzaff = secret, confidential
Breton (Brezhoneg kuzh = secret, confidential
kuzh(iadell) / toull-kuzh = hiding place
kuzhat = to hide (oneself)
kuzhet = masked
kuzhadur = eclipse, blanking, concealment
kuzhuter = confidant(e)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *(s)kewdʰ- from *(s)kewH- (to hide, cover, wrap). Words from the same roots include custodian, hide, house, hut and sky in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *sanestos = secret (advice), whisper, counsel, history
Old Irish (Goídelc) sana(i)s = advice, counsel, whisper, privacy
Irish (Gaeilge) sanas [ˈsˠanˠasˠ] = whisper, hint, suggestion, gloss, glossary
sanasaí = etymologist
sanasaíocht = etymology
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sanas [ˈsanəs] = notice, sign, signal, warning, hint, cue, whisper
sanasach = warning, hinting
Manx (Gaelg) sannish = whisper, hint, allusion, suggestion
sansheraght = to whisper, annunciate, speak under breath, whispering
Proto-Brythonic *hanes = history, secret
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) hanes = history, secret
Welsh (Cymraeg) hanes [ˈhanɛs/ˈhanas] = history, chronicle, tale, account, narrative, record, report, intelligence; secret, mystery, whisper, murmur
hanesaf / hanesu = to narrate/write history
hanesydd = historian, historiographer, chronicler
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) hanas = a low sound, whisper
Cornish (Kernewek) hanas = groan, murmur, sigh, whisper
hanasa = to groan, murmur, sigh, whisper

Etymology: uncertain [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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