Knotty Bulges

Today we’re looking at the words for knots, bulges, and related things in Celtic languages.

Knot - words for knot in Celtic languages

Proto-Celtic *odbos = knot, bulge
Old Irish (Goídelc) odb [oðb] = knot (in a wood); lump, swelling, protuberance; difficulty, problem
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) fodb, fobd = knot (in a wood); lump, swelling, protuberance; difficulty, problem
Irish (Gaeilge) fadhb [fˠəibˠ] = knot (in a wood); callosity; lump (from blow); lumpy object; knotty problem, poser
fadhbach = knotty, callous, lumpy; problematical, puzzling
fadhbairne = lumpy object
fadhbán = (small) knot, lump
fadhbóg = (small) lump, whopping lie
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) faob [fɯːb] = lump, knob, knot (in wood)
faobach [fɯːbəx] = lumpy, knotty
Manx (Gaelg) uddan = lump, node, knob
Welsh (Cymraeg) oddf [ˈɔðv] = hard swelling or growth, hump, knob (on horn), gall, burl, knot (in wood), tuber, bulb, knob, lump, node
oddfog = knobby, bulbous, tuberous, having a hump
oddfynnog = bulbous, tubercular, tuberous

Etymology possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *h₃ésth₁ / *h₂óst (bone) [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) colmméne = skin
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) colum = skin
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) kulym, clwm, cwlm, kwlwm = knot, tie, bond
kylymy, klymv, clymmu, c(y)lymaf, c(y)lymu = to tie, bind
Welsh (Cymraeg cwlwm [ˈkʊlʊm / ˈkuːlʊm] = knot, tie; bond, connection, union, fetter, plot; bunch, cluster, bundle; node, nodule, knot in timber
cwlwm gwlwm = knot tied twice
clymu [ˈkləmɨ̞ / ˈkləmi] = to tie, bind, set, unite, couple, rally
clymog = knotted, knotty, gnarled, tied, intricate, complex
Middle Cornish colm = knot, tie, bond
colma = to bind, tie
colmen = knot, tie, bond, halter
colmur = binder
Cornish (Kernewek) kolm = knot
kelmi = to knot
kelmys = knotted
Middle Breton scoulm, sclom, sklom = knot
Breton (Brezhoneg) skoulmoù, skoulm = knot
kouloumañ, kolomiñ = to knot

Etymology uncertain

Proto-Celtic *nad-sko- = to bind
Old Irish (Goídelc) snaidm [sn͈aðʲmʲ] = bond, contract, knot, pact
snaidmid = to bind, knot
nasicid = to bind
airnaidmid = to bind, pledge
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) snaidm = knot, bond
Irish (Gaeilge) snaidm = knot, bond, constriction, contortion, tie, brace, problem, difficulty, problem; to knot, bind, tie, entwine, join, unite, knit
snaidmeach = knotted, knotty
snaidmeacht = knottiness
snaidmeadóir = knotter, binder, tier, setter
snaidmeach = knotty, knotted
nasc = to tie, tether, chain, link, clasp, bond
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) snaidhm [sn̪ˠaim] = knot, joint, knotting, tying a knot
snaidhmeach [sn̪ˠaiməx] = knotty, abounding in knots
snaidhmte [sn̪ˠaimdʲə] = knotted, tied with a knot
nasg [n̪ˠasg] = tie-band, membrane of an egg, skeleton
Manx (Gaelg) sniem = bow, knot, snare; to knot
sniemmit = joined, knitted, knotted, noosed, tied
sniemmagh = knotted
sniemmey = join, knit, knot, knotting, noose, tie, tying
nast = award, bond, gift, gratuity, betroth
naisht = affianced, bind, engaged
Middle Breton nasca = to bind
Breton (Brezhoneg) naskañ = to hinder, impede, obstruct

Etymology from the Proto-Indo-European *gned-/*gnod- (to bind) [source]. The English word knot comes from the same PIE root, via Middle English, Old English and Proto-Germanic [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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