Yellow & Gold

Words for yellow and gold and related things in Celtic languages.

Spring blossom / Blodau'r Gwanwyn

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *bodyos = yellow
Gaulish *Bayos = proper name
*Bodyokasses = Baiocasses (a Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis)
Old Irish (Goídelc) buide [ˈbuðʲe] = yellow, yellowness, buttercup, honey, pollen
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) buide = yellow, yellowness, yellow hue
buidecán, buigheacan = (egg) yolk
buidecht = yellowness
buidid = to become yellow
buidigid = to make yellow
Irish (Gaeilge) buí [bˠiː] = yellow, sallow, tan
buíbhallach = spotted with yellow
buíbhán = light yellow, cream-coloured
buíbreac = speckled with yellow
buígh = yellow, tan
buíochan = yellowing
buíochán = jaundice
buíochánach = jaundiced
buíocht = yellowness, sallowness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) buidhe [bujə] = yellow, golden
buidhe-dhonn, buidhe-ruadh = auburn
buidhe-shoilleir = amber
buidheagan [bujagan] = (egg) yolk
buidhich [bujɪç] = ripen (of cereals)
Manx (Gaelg) buigh, bwee = yellow, jaundiced, tan, sallow, fair headed
buighaghey = to yellow, jaundice
buighaghey = yellowing, jaundice

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *bodyos (yellow) [source]. Related to the English word bay (tree, leaf) ( [source].

Proto-Celtic *melinos = yellow
Proto-Brythonic *melino- = yellow
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) melen, melin, melyn = yellow, golden, gold; yellow-haired, blond
melynu = to be or become yellow or golden
melynoc, mylynog = yellowhammer, yellow bunting, goldfinch, linnet
melyn wy, melyn wi = yolk
Welsh (Cymraeg) melyn [ˈmɛlɨ̞n / ˈmɛlɪn] = yellow, golden, (made of) gold; yellow-haired, blond; light-bay (horse); yellow, sallow, livid, or brown (skin); brown (sugar); deadly, implacable, unpleasant
melynaf, melynu = to be or become yellow or golden
melynaidd = yellowish, golden, sallow
melynddu = yellowish-brown, dark yellow, tawny, russet, roan, swarthy, dusky
melynog = yellowhammer, yellow bunting, goldfinch, linnet, canary
melynwy = yolk
Old Cornish milin = yellow
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) melyn, melen, milin = yellow, the colour of honey
melynoy = egg yolk
Cornish (Kernewek) melyn [‘mɛlɪn / ‘mɛlən ] = yellow, fair, blonde
melyn oy = egg yolk
melynrudh = orange, yellowish orange
Middle Breton (Brezonec) melen = yellow, blonde
melen vy = egg yolk
Breton (Brezhoneg) melen = yellow, blonde
melen-vi = egg yolk
melenaat = to become / make yellow, to turn blond
melenadur = yellowing
melenard = a person with a yellow complexion
melenin, meleniñ = to yellow

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *mélit (honey) [source], words from the same PIE root include mulch and melleous (pertaining to honey) in English, and words for honey in Celtic and other European languages [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ór = gold
ordae = golden
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ór = gold
órda, órdae = made of gold, golden, resembling gold
Irish (Gaeilge) òr [oːɾˠ] = gold
óraigh = to gild
órbhuí = golden (colour)
órbhuille = gold leaf
órghréas = (gold) filigree
órphlátáilte = gold-plated
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) òr [ɔːr] = gold
òir-cheàrd = goldsmith
òr-bhuidhe = gold-coloured, auburn
òr-ubhal = orange (fruit)
òradh [ɔːrəɣ] = gilding, gilt, gold digging
òrail / òra [ɔːral/ɔːrə] = gold(en), gilded
Manx (Gaelg) airh = gold, bullion, gilt
oar = gold
airhey = to gild; gilt, gilt-edged, golden
airh ghlen = pure gold
airhoil = auriferous, aurous, looking like gold
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) eur, aur = gold(en)
eurir, eurha, euraw = to gild, adorn with gold, make golden
eureyt, eureit, euraid = golden, brilliant, splendid, glorious, precious
Welsh (Cymraeg) aur [aɨ̯r/ai̯r] = gold, gold money or coin(s), wealth; gold (colour); gold(en)
euraf, euro = to gild, adorn with gold, make golden
euraid = golden, brilliant, splendid, glorious, precious
euraidd = golden, precious, illustrious, refined, virtuous
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) our = gold
ourlyn = silk
Cornish (Kernewek) owr [ɔʊr] = gold, red-gold
owraval = orange
owrbesk, owrbysk = goldfish
owrek = golden
owrlin = silk
Middle Breton (Brezonec) aour = gold
aourek = (deposit of) gold
aourfebrer = goldsmith
aourin, aouriñ = to brown
aourra = to look for gold
aourraer = gold panning
Breton (Brezhoneg) aour = gold
aourek = (deposit of) gold
aourfebrer = goldsmith
aourin, aouriñ = to brown
aourra = to look for gold
aourraer = gold panning

Etymology: from Latin aureus (gold, golden, gilded), from aurum (gold), from Proto-Italic *auzom (gold), from PIE *h₂é-h₂us-óm (gold), from *h₂ews- (to dawn, become light, become red). Words from the same PIE roots include air, aura, auriferous (gold-bearing), aurora, Australia, and east in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Words for sweet and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *melissis, *melisti = sweet
Old Irish (Goídelc) milis [ˈmʲilʲisʲ] = sweet
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) milis = sweet, fresh (water)
Irish (Gaeilge) milis [ˈmʲɪlʲɪʃ] = sweet, tender, tasty, fresh (water); honeyed (words), flattering
milisbhriathrach = sweet-spoken, honey-tongued
milisín = sweet morsel
milseán = sweet, bonbon, candy; sweet dish, dessert
milseog = dessert; sweetheart, darling
milsigh = to sweeten
uisce milis = sweet/fresh water
teange mhilis = flattering tongue
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) milis [milɪʃ] = sweet; melodious, musical; flattering
aran-milis = gingerbread
baine milis = sweet milk, condensed milk
buntàta milis = sweet potato, yam
coirce-milis = sweet corn, maize
slaman-milis = jelly
Manx (Gaelg) millish = sweet, darling, sugary, dulcet, honeyed, luscious, fruity, balmy
bee millish = sweetmeat, sweet
feddan millish = recorder, fipple flute
fooillagh millish = trifle
slumm millish = jelly
ushtey millish = fresh water
focklyn millish = honeyed words
Proto-Brythonic *melɨs = sweet
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) melis, melys = sweet, pleasant-tasting, delicious
meledic = sweetened with honey
melysvwyt, melysvwyd, melys-fwyd = sweet food, sweet dish, delicacy, dainty food, sweetmeat, dessert
melûsrwyth, melyssrwydd = sweetness, sweet or delicious taste
Welsh (Cymraeg) melys [ˈmɛlɨ̞s/ˈmeːlɪs/ˈmɛlɪs] = sweet, pleasant-tasting, delicious, tasty; not salty, fresh (water); delightful, agreeable, pleasant, charming; sweet-sounding, euphonious, melodious; sweet-smelling, fragrant
dant melys = sweet tooth
pethau melys = sweets
tatws melys = sweet potato
melysaf, meluso = to sweeten, mitigate, alleviate
melysaidd, melusaidd = rather sweet, delightful, agreeable
melyfwyd, melusfwyd = sweet food, sweet dish, delicacy, dainty food, sweetmeat, dessert
melyfwyd, melusfwyd = sweet, delicious, delightful, agreeable, pleasant, melodious, fond of sweet food or drink, greedy, voracious
melysrwydd, melusrwydd = sweetness, sweet or delicious taste, melodiousness, fondness for delicate food
Cornish (Kernewek) melys [‘mɛlɪs/’mɛləʃ] = very sweet, honeyed
kleves melys = diabetes
Old Breton (Brethonoc) milis = honeyed
Middle Breton (Brezonec) milis = honeyed, sweetish, sneaky
Breton (Brezhoneg) melis, milis = honeyed

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *mélid (honey)), which is also the root of the English words mildew and mulch [source].

Proto-Celtic *su̯eko-s = to smell (good)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) chwech = sweet
wech, chweg, chwec = sweet, lucious, pleasant, comely
Welsh (Cymraeg) chwech [χweːχ/hweːχ] = sweet
chweg = sweet, lucious, pleasant, comely
chwegaidd = sweetish
chwegrwydd = sweetness, lusciousness
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) hwec, hwecah, hweg, hwêg, whêk = sweet, pleasant, dear
hwecter, whecter = sweetness, pleasantness, suavity, delight
hwegol, whegol = dear
Cornish (Kernewek) hweg = sweet, dear, gentle, kind, nice, pleasant, pleasing
hwegednow, hwegnnow = candy
hwegen = darling, pet, lozenge, sweet
hwegoll = darling, delightful, sweetest
hwegys = sweetcorn, maize
hweg-oll = darling, delightful, sweetest
ys hweg = sweetcorn, maize
Middle Breton (Brezonec) huec = sweet, delicate
Breton (Brezhoneg) c’hwek [xweːk] = soft, suave, sugar, delicious, exquisite, pleasant
c’hwekaat = to sweeten
c’hwekted [ˈxwek.tet] = softness, suavity
c’hwekter = delicacy
mel c’hwek = sweet honey
gwin c’hwek = sweet wine

Etymology: unknown

The usual Breton word for sweet is dous, which probably comes from the Old French dous (soft, tender), form the Latin dulcis (sweet, fragrant, melodious), from the Proto-Indo-European *dl̥kú- (sweet) [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Sorrow & sadness

Words for sorrow, sadness and related things in Celtic languages.

sad pug

Proto-Celtic *trougos/*trowgo- = sorry, sad, wretched
Old Irish (Goídelc) trúag, tróg = miserable, wretched, emaciated, wretch
trúagdae = miserable, wretched
trógán, trúagán = miserable person, wretch, pauper
trúaige = affliction, compassion, misery, pity, wretchedness
Middle Irish (Gaedhealg) trúag = wretched, pititable, miserable, sad; thin, lean, emaciated; wretch, miserable person
trúagdae, trogdae, trúagdai, troghda = miserable, wretched. piteous
trúagán = miserable person, wretch, pauper
trúagnait, trógnait = wretch, miserable person
trúaige = misery, wretchedness, affliction
trúaigméil = pitiable, sorrowful
Irish (Gaeilge) trua [t̪ˠɾˠuə] = pity, sympathy, compassion, miserable person, wretch; pitiable, miserable, wretched; lean, thin, emaciated
truacánta = piteous, plaintive
truacántacht = piteousness, plaintiveness
truachroíoch = kind-hearted, compassionate, heartrending, piteous
truacht = leanness
atruach = compassionate
truán = miserable person, wretch; thin, emaciated creature, importunate person
truanairt = wretch
truánta = wretched; thin, emaciated
truántacht = wretchedness; thinness, emaciation
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) truagh [truəɣ] = abject, forlorn, miserable, pitiful, poor, sorry
truaghan [truəɣan] = poor soul/thing, wretch
truaghag [truəɣag] = poor/pitiful thing, poor wee thing (female)
truaghaileachd [truəɣaləxg] = compassionateness, tender-heartedness
truaghanachd [truəɣən̪ˠəxg] = abjectness, miserableness, wretchedness
truas [truəs] = pity, compassion, sympathy
Manx (Gaelg) truan = misery
truanagh = miserable, mournful, sorrowful person
truanys = misery
treih = abject, deplorable, feeble, forlorn, fragile, miserable, pathetic, piteous, pitiful, regrettable, rueful
treihaght = misery, pitifullness, pitifulness
treihnagh = mournful
treihys = abjection, abjectness, fragility, misery
Gaulish *trugan = wretch
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tru, trv = wretched, miserable, deplorable, pitiful, pathetic
truan = wretch, miserable person
truanu = to take pity, feel compassion
truaneid, truanaidd = wretched, miserable, deplorable
tryanedd, tayyrnedd = wretchedness
trueni = misery, wretchedness, abjectness, degradation
truanus = wretched, miserable, deplorable, poor
trỽch, troch, truch = unfortunate, sad, wretched
Welsh (Cymraeg) tru [trɨː/triː] = wretched, miserable, deplorable, pitiful, pathetic
truan = wretch, miserable person; wretched, miserable, deplorable, pitiful, pathetic, poor, weak
truanaf, truanu = to take pity, feel compassion
truanaidd = wretched, miserable, deplorable, pitiful
truanedd = wretchedness
trueni = misery, wretchedness, abjectness, degradation
truenus = wretched, miserable, deplorable, poor
trwch = unfortunate, sad, wretched, poor; bad, evil, wicked; unfortunate person, wretch, scoundrel
Old Cornish troc = miser
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tru = alas, pity, sad, woe
trueth = pity, compassion
troc = wretched, miser
Cornish (Kernewek) tru = alas
truan = sadly, miserable, unfortunate, wretched
truedh = pity, sympathy
truedhek = sadly, pathetic, pitiful, plaintive, sad
trogh = broken, wretched
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tru = pitiful, wretched, miserable
truant = pitiful, wretched, miserable
trugarez = pity, mercy, forgiveness, thanks, misery
Breton (Brezhoneg) tru = pitiful, wretched, miserable, wretch
trugarez = thank you, mercy, forgiveness
truant = beggar
truanter = cheater, supplicant

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *terh₁- (to rub, turn, drill, pierce). Words from the same roots possibly include truant in English, and truand (crook, gangster, beggar) in French [source].

Proto-Celtic *brugnos = saddness, pain
Old Irish (Goídelc) brón [broːn] = sorrow, grief, lamentation, distress, burden
Irish (Gaeilge) brón [bˠɾˠoːnˠ] = sorrow, grief, grieving, lamentation; distress, burden
brónach [ˈbˠɾˠoːnˠəx] = sad, sorrowful
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bròn [brɔːn] = grief, sadness, sorrow, mourning, affliction
brònach [ˈbrɔːnəx] = doleful, miserable, rueful, sad, sorrowful; disconsolate
Manx (Gaelg) bran = sorrow, blackness of soul
branagh = mournful, black (as outlook)
Welsh (Cymraeg) brwyn [bruːɨ̯n / brʊi̯n] = sorrow, grief, sadness; sorrowful, grievous, sad, heavy; pensive

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *gʷruHǵʰ-nó-, from *gʷrewHǵʰ- (to bite) + *-nós, or from *bʰreg- (to break) [source].

Welsh (Cymraeg) trist [triːst / trɪst] = sad, unhappy, sorrowful, mournful, pensive, downhearted, miserable, anxious
Cornish (Kernewek) trist = sad, mournful
Breton (Brezhoneg) trist = sad

Etymology: from Latin trīstis (sad, unhappy, melancholy, morose), from Proto-Indo-European *tréystis (stubborn, in a bad mood) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

Quick, Fast & Lively

Words for quick, fast, crazy, lively, ready and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tap = sudden
tapad = suddenness, haste, quickness, bravery
tapaid = quick, swift, active
Irish (Gaeilge) tapa [ˈt̪ˠapˠə] = quick(ness), ready, active, speed, vigour
tapaigean = sudden start, spring, jump, mishap
tapaigh = to quicken, grasp quickly
tapaíoch = quick, active, alert person
tapaíocht = quickness, activeness, alertness
tapóg = tendency to jump, nerviness, sudden impulse
tapógach = jumpy, nervy, impulsive
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tapadh [tahbəɣ] = cleverness, smartness, thanks, alertness, feat, achievement
tapadh leat/leibh = thank you
tapaidh [tahbɪ] = clever, smart, brave, heroic, active, vigorous
all-tapadh = mishap, accident, misfortune
Manx (Gaelg) tappee = fast, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
tappeeid= quickness, rapidity, speed
tappeeys = quickness, rapidity, speed, nimbleness

Etymology: uncertain

Old Irish (Goídelc) opunn = fast, prompt, quick
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) opunn, obunn, opund, topund = quick, swift, prompt, hasty, precipitate
Irish (Gaeilge) tobann [ˈt̪ˠɔbˠən̪ˠ] =sudden, unexpected, hasty, impulsive, quick-tempered
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) obann [obən̪ˠ] = sudden, unexpected
gu h-obann = suddenly

Etymology: uncertain

Old Irish (Goídelc) ellam, ollam, ullam = quick, ready, soon, speedy
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ellam, ollam, ullam = quick, prompt, speedy, soon, readily, ready, prepared, finished, complete
ellma = speed, rapidity, promptness, speedily, soon, prompty, soon enough, ready, prepared
ellmaigid = to prepare, make ready
Irish (Gaeilge) ullamh [ˈɔl̪ˠəvˠ/ˈʊl̪ˠuː] = ready, willing, prompt, prepared, predisposed inclined, finished
ullmhacht = readiness, preparedness
ullmhaigh = to make ready, prepare
ullmhaitheach = preparative
ullmhaitheoir = preparer
ullmhú = preparation
ullmhúchán = preparative, preparation
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ullamh [ul̪ˠəv] = done, finished, ready, prepared, mature, handy, prone to
ullamhachadh [ul̪ˠəvəxəɣ] = preparing, getting ready, preparation, arranging, arrangement, providing, provision
ullamhachd [ul̪ˠəvəxg] = readiness, preparedness, proneness, aptitude, aptness
Manx (Gaelg) ullee = conversant, operational, prepared, ready

Etymology: from Old Irish ar (for, on), fo- (under, sub-) and lám (arm, hand)[source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) mer = crazy
meraige = crazy person, fool
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) mer = demented, crazy, wild, rash
meraige = a muddle-headed or scatter-brained person; aberration, derangement
Irish (Gaeilge) mear [mʲaɾˠ] = quick, fast, nimble, lively, spirited; precipitate, hasty, rash; quick-tempered, fiery; mad, crazy; furious, raging, angry
mearadh = madness, insanity, craze, craving
mearaí = crazed person, distracted, bewildered, person, craziness, distraction, bewilderment
mearaigh = to derange, distract, bewilder, confuse, to become distracted
mearaitheoir = distracter, bewilderer, infuriating person.
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mear [mɛr] = merry, joyful, frisky, lively
mearachas [mɛrəxəs] = mirth, merriment
mearachd [mɛrəxg] = merriness
mearaiche = droll / merry person
Manx (Gaelg) merre [mɛr] = frenzy
Welsh (Cymraeg) miri = merry, gay, fun, merriment, mirth, tumult, fuss, bother, predicament
miriman = fool, clown, wild and unruly person
miriol = merry, gay

Etymology: possibly from English merry, or Middle English mery (happy, joyful, pleased), from Old English myrġe (pleasant, attractive, enjoyable), from Proto-West Germanic *murgī (short, slow, leisurely), from Proto-Germanic *murgijaz/*murguz (short, brief slow, leisurely), from Proto-Indo-European *mréǵʰus (short, brief) [source].

Proto-Celtic *lim-ā- = to sharpen, polish
Old Irish (Goídelc) límaid = to polish, sharpen
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) límaid, límad = sharpens, grinds, polishes
límtha = sharpened, burnished, keen, polished, fluent
límugud = act of sharpening
Irish (Gaeilge) líomh [mʲaɾˠ] = to grind, sharpen, file, smooth, polish, erode, destroy
líomhadh = to grind, polish, erosion, destruction
líomhadóir = grinder, filer, polisher
líomhán = file
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lìomh [l̪ʲiəv] = polish, gloss, burnish, refinement
Manx (Gaelg) shleeu = to grind, sharpen, whet, grinding, sharpening
shleeuan = file
shleeuee = grinder
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llim, llym, lem = sharp, pointed, keen, harsh, shill, quick, swift
lllymu = to whet, file, sharpen
llymaidd = sharp, keen, piercing, harsh, severe, eager, ardent
llymder = sharpness, keenness, harshness, severity
cyflym, kyflym = quick, swift, speedy, brisk, quick-witted, intelligent, ready, clever, sharp, keen, acute
kymlymder, cyflymdra = swiftness, quickness, rapidity
Welsh (Cymraeg) llym [ɬɨ̞m/ɬɪm] = sharp, pointed, keen, harsh, shill, quick, swift
llymaf, llymu = to whet, file, sharpen, speak severly
llymaidd = sharp, keen, piercing, harsh, severe, eager, ardent
llymder = sharpness, keenness, harshness, severity
cyflym = quick, swift, speedy, brisk, quick-witted, intelligent, ready, clever, sharp, keen, acut
cyflymaf, cyflymu = to quicken, accelerate, hasten, expedite
cyflymder = swiftness, quickness, rapidity
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lemma, leamn, lemen, lemmen, lemyn, lemmyn, lymmyn = to sharpen, whet
Cornish (Kernewek) lymm, lebm = sharp, acute, keen, piercing, insightful
llymma = to sharpen
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lem, lemm = sharp, pointed, acute
lemaff, lemmaff = to sharpen, make sharp
lemder = acuity
lemer = sharpener
Breton (Brezhoneg) lemm = pointed, sharp, acute
lemmañ, lemmiñ = to sharpen, make sharp
lemmded = acuity
lemmell = sharp
lemmerez = sharpener
lemmet = sharp(ened), keen, pointed

Etymology: probably from PIE *sley- (smooth, slick, sticky), or from Latin līma (file), from the same PIE root [source]. Words from the same roots include slime in English, and llif (saw) in Welsh [source].

Proto-Celtic *bīwonos = ?
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) buan= fast, swift, rapid
buander = quickness, alacrity, swiftness, speed
buaned, buanez = quickness, swiftness, speed
Welsh (Cymraeg) buan [ˈbɨː.an/ˈbiː.an] = fast, swift, rapid
yn fuan = soon
mor fuan â phosibl = as soon as possible
buanaf, buanu = to accelerate, hasten, move swiftly
buander = quickness, alacrity, swiftness, speed
buanedd = quickness, swiftness, speed
Cornish (Kernewek) buan = lively, quick
Old Breton buenion = quck, fast
Middle Breton (Brezonec) buan = quck, fast
Breton (Brezhoneg) buan = quick, fast
buanaat = to accelerate
buanaer = accelerater
buanded = speed, rapidity

Etymology: probably from Proto-Celtic *biwos ((alive, living, mortal) from PIE *gʷeyh₃- (to live) [source]. Words for life and food come from the same roots, as do English words such as bioology, quick, vital, vivid and zoo [source].

For other words for quick see the Celtiadur posts: Early and Soon

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Words for small and related words in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *bikkos = small, little
Old Irish (Goídelc) bec(c) [ˈbʲeɡ] = small, little
MIidle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bec, beg = small, little, a small amount
becaid = to make small, deplete
becaigid, begaigh = to lessen, diminish, reduce
becán, begán, beccan = a little, small quantity, a few, a small number, little one, child, humble, lowly one
becda = lowly, humble
Irish (Gaeilge) beag [bʲɔɡ / bʲɞɡ / bʲɛɡ] = little, small, small amount; few
beagadán = diminutive person, little one
beagaigh = to lesson, diminish
beagán = little, a few, a little, somewhat
beagchainteach = silent, taciturn
beagchéillí = senseless, foolish
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beag [beg] = small, little, wee; minor; petty, puny, trifling; slight
beagadh [begəg] = to diminish, lessen, reduce
beagachadh [begəxəɣ] = diminishing, lessening, reducing
beagag [begag] = small thing, trifle
beagan [began] = a little, a few
beaganas [beganəs] = slight, snub
beagnachd [begnəxg] = parvity, smallness
Manx (Gaelg) beg = small, short, slight, few, poky, model, narrow, quiet, dwarf
beggan = somewhat, slightly, partly, faintly, a few, little, small piece
begganid = littleness, smallness, slightness
beggid = diminutive, diminutiveness, littleness, paltriness
Proto-Brythonic *bɨx = small
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) hach, bych, bâch, = small, little
baches, baçes = darling, little, little woman
bachken, bachcen = boy, lad, youngster, servant, son, child
bachcennes = young girl, maiden, damsel, lass, wench
Welsh (Cymraeg) bach [baːχ] = small, little, short; not fully grown or developed, young; insignificant, unimportant, humble; small (business); lower-case (letter); dear, beloved; poor
baches = darling, little, little woman
bachgen = boy, lad, youngster, servant, son, child
bachgennes = young girl, maiden, damsel, lass, wench
bachigol = diminutive, small, little
bychan [ˈbəχan] = little, small, minute, diminutive; inconspicuous, obscure, unimportant, petty; young inexperienced; little one, young child
bychanaf, bychanu = to abase, disparage, disregard, slight, minimize
bychander, bychandod = littleness, smallness, scarcity, contempt, pettiness
bychanig = very little/small, minute, diminutive, bit, piece
bychan bach very little
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) bechan, bian, bichan, bihan, bochan, byan, byhan = little, small
Cornish (Kernewek) byghan [‘bɪhan] = little, small
byghanhe = to reduce, make smaller
byghanna = smaller
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bihan, byhan = small
bihanaat, bihanhat, bihanat = to shrink, diminish
bihanaet, bihannaet = decrease
bihanded, bihandet, bihandætt = smallness
Breton (Brezhoneg) bihan = small, insufficient, modest, little
bihanaat = diminutive, pet name
bihanadur = miniature
bihanniver = minority

Etmology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰég-ko-s, from *bʰeg- (to break) +‎ the suffix *-kos [source].

Words for small and little in Romance languages, such as petit in French, pequeno in Portuguese and pequeño in Spanish, possibly come from the same Proto-Celtic root, via the Latin word *pittus (small, little) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language,, Am Faclair Beag, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis

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